block by joyrexus 7603860

Quick demo of queue.js

Queue.js is a minimalist async helper library by Mike Bostock.

Here’s a quick demonstration of how to use it. We’re just going to load two files and sum their corresponding lines. (You might use nested callbacks for this, but that gets hairy if you’re doing something along these lines with more than two files.)

Suppose we have two files, A.TXT and B.TXT, each containing a list of numbers, one number per line. Our task is to sum the corresponding lines of each file.

  A  B  SUM

  1  2  3
  2  3  5
  3  4  7
  4  5  9

We’re going to read the files in parallel and execute a done function once they’re done reading in order to do something with both files, viz., sum their corresponding lines:

  .defer(read, 'A.TXT')
  .defer(read, 'B.TXT')

Alright, let’s walk through

Load our requirements:

fs = require 'fs'
queue = require 'queue'
{deepEqual} = require 'assert'

Our zip method for zipping arrays. The args being passed should be the arrays to be zipped together.

zip = (args...) ->
  sizes = (a.length for a in args)
  min = Math.min(sizes...)
  (arr[i] for arr in args) for i in [0...min]

Our read method for reading in a file:

read = (name, done) -> 
  callback = (err, data) -> 
    result = (parseInt(d) for d in data.split('\n') when d)
    done(err, result)
  fs.readFile name, 'utf8', callback

Notice how read takes two arguments: the name of file to read and a done callback passed by queue. We can pass to done whatever result we want here. Since we’re using awaitAll, the result gets added to the set of results colleted from each deferred function.

Now for our concluding callback, which will get executed after each deferred function is done. It gets passed the accumulated results collected from each deferred function.

done = (err, results) -> 
  sums = ((pair.reduce (a, b) -> a + b) for pair in (zip results...))
  expected = [3, 5, 7, 9]
  deepEqual sums, expected

Finally …

  .defer(read, 'A.TXT')
  .defer(read, 'B.TXT')

See also

Mike’s …

Analyzing queue.js


