block by joyrexus 843c4472cae11f62537d

crossfilter ui for timeseries data

The aim is to develop a simple generic crossfilter interface for timeseries data. The tag line for crossfilter applies: we want fast multidimensional filtering with coordinated views.

We’d like a consistent ui for visualizing/querying/filtering all columns with visual summarizers/selectors appropriate to a column’s type (e.g., brushable histograms for numeric types, selectable histograms for enumerated types, typeahead keyword search for text, etc.).

I’d like it to be useful primarily as a table filter and query tool, but provide simple summary visualizations and statistics of the current selection. As in the various crossfilter demos, any data visualization should also function as part of the query interface.

You should be able to select any combination of values for columns with enumerated types, any range of values for numeric columns, and any values containing any combination of keywords for text columns.

