A curated set of resources for anyone looking to solve spational problems, setup an opensource geo stack, and learn about basic web-based mapping techniques.
Mapbox Guides - carto the Mapbox way
Map School - Tom MacWright’s quick intro to geo/carto terms and techniques
Mapmakers Cheatsheet - Tom MacWright’s carto FAQ
Techniques for Spatial Problems - Tom MacWright’s survey of basic techniques for spatial problems
Let’s make a map - Mike Bostock’s tutorial for map making with D3
Map Academy - CartoDB’s four course sequence
Geo How To - Nathaniel Kelso’s HOWTO for open source geo workflows (last updated 2 years ago, but still useful and worthwhile)
Let’s talk about your geostack - Eric Theise’s tutorial, walking through the setup of an open source geostack
Installing PostGIS on OSX - quick walkthrough of the install process
OGR SQL Tutorial - demonstrates how to use the OGR utility to query and transform geo data for cartographic rendering
Learn OSM - resources for learning OpenStreetMap
Teach OSM - resources for teaching OpenStreetMap
GeoIQ API - a well-designed RESTful API for geo data
turf.js - client-side GIS tools for the most common geospatial operations
greiner-hormann.js - efficient polygon clipping algorithm