block by joyrexus b12ae4dedf7748445dc2

questions about the dat project

big-picture questions for dat


See the Qu roadmap.

On multi-table support, see @maxogden’s response to John Resig’s query.

On dat schemas, see these comments on the dat freenode channel …

… and this discussion on package file conventions for datasets.

@jbenet notes that he’s working with @maxogden with the aim of making dat/datadex interoperable. See also @maxogden’s comments at the very end of this article.

@maxogden has stated his preference for keeping metadata and data in separate files (i.e., having a distinct file with metadata, rather than having a header with metadata included with the datafile).

@mafintosh has discussed a schema.json file describing the global encoding/decoding format for each row of data in dat.

Note also the proposals for a dat schema api in #171 and #191.

See, finally, this proposed vision for a dat registry.