block by joyrexus ec24e588af35c64266ab

POST with curl

Below are a few examples of POSTing form data and file-uploads with curl.

For guidance on when to use which method, see form-data vs -urlencoded.

For details and more examples, see the POST section of the official tutorial.

In the examples below, suppose we need to POST data to, the canonical address for the shoes resource (a “collection” resource, in REST-speak) of a particular user (joyrexus):


… or, if you want to test your requests, use …



curl -d "brand=nike" -d "color=red" -d "size=11" $URL

curl --data "brand=nike&color=red&size=11" $URL


curl --form "image=@nikes.png" --form "brand=nike" --form "color=red" --form "size=11" $URL

curl -F "image=@nikes.png" -F "brand=nike" -F "color=red" -F "size=11" $URL

Change the name field of a file upload part (nikes.png) by setting filename=NEW_NAME:

curl -F "image=@nikes.png;filename=shoes.png" -F "brand=nike" -F "color=red" -F "size=11" $URL

Specify Content-Type by using type=:

curl -F "image=@nikes.png;type=image/png" -F "brand=nike" -F "color=red" -F "size=11" $URL

Sans data

curl --data '' $URL

curl -X POST $URL

curl --request POST $URL