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or, an ordinal boxplot with no q1 or q3 data. A boxplot without the box.

A visualization of monthly-attached-hmds

Road to VR ran the figures against the most recent Hardware & Software Survey (September 2018), and found the following counts for headsets (head-mounted displays, hmds) connected to users’ computers over the course of the month.

It’s worth noting that the Steam Hardware & Software Survey counts how many users have headsets attached to their computers; even if the user didn’t actually use the headset to play a game in the given month, it would still be counted. So it would be more accurate to call the figures above ‘Monthly Attached VR Headsets on Steam’ rather than ‘Monthly Active VR Users on Steam’, though this is the closest indicator we’ve got to the latter. Actual unit sales are likely significantly higher than the ‘headsets attached’ figures that we have here, but none of the above manufacturers have released official figures at this point.


