block by michalskop 1553c1483151bf1422fa

CZ: Local elections 2014

Full Screen

import json
from operator import itemgetter
import csv

with open("cz2014towns.json") as infile:
    results = json.load(infile)

data = {}
datatotal = {}
for town in results:
    for row in town['votes']:
            data[row['name']] = 0
            datatotal[row['name']] = 0
        data[row['name']] += row['result']/100 * town['population']
        datatotal[row['name']] += town['population']

with open("parties_votes.csv","w") as ofile:
    csvw = csv.writer(ofile)
    for key in data:


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'''scrapes all results'''
import requests
#import untangle
import xmltodict
import json

codes = ["CZ0100", "CZ0201", "CZ0202", "CZ0203", "CZ0204", "CZ0205", "CZ0206", "CZ0207", "CZ0208", "CZ0209", "CZ020A", "CZ020B", "CZ020C", "CZ0311", "CZ0312", "CZ0313", "CZ0314", "CZ0315", "CZ0316", "CZ0317", "CZ0321", "CZ0322", "CZ0323", "CZ0324", "CZ0325", "CZ0326", "CZ0327", "CZ0411", "CZ0412", "CZ0413", "CZ0421", "CZ0422", "CZ0423", "CZ0424", "CZ0425", "CZ0426", "CZ0427", "CZ0511", "CZ0512", "CZ0513", "CZ0514", "CZ0521", "CZ0522", "CZ0523", "CZ0524", "CZ0525", "CZ0531", "CZ0532", "CZ0533", "CZ0534", "CZ0631", "CZ0632", "CZ0633", "CZ0634", "CZ0635", "CZ0641", "CZ0642", "CZ0643", "CZ0644", "CZ0645", "CZ0646", "CZ0647", "CZ0711", "CZ0712", "CZ0713", "CZ0714", "CZ0715", "CZ0721", "CZ0722", "CZ0723", "CZ0724", "CZ0801", "CZ0802", "CZ0803", "CZ0804", "CZ0805", "CZ0806"]

towns = {}
for code in codes:
    #url = "" + code
    url = "http://localhost/michal/dev/cz2014/sources/" + code + ".xml"
    r = requests.get(url)
    #with open('sources/'+code+".xml", 'w') as outfile:
    #    outfile.write(r.text)
    #obj = untangle.parse('sources/'+code+".xml")
    with open('sources/'+code+".xml") as fd:
        obj = xmltodict.parse(
    for item in obj['VYSLEDKY_OBCE_OKRES']['OBEC']:
        town = {}
        town['name'] = item['@NAZEVZAST']
        town['id'] = item['@KODZASTUP']
        town['population'] = int(item['VYSLEDEK']['UCAST']['@ODEVZDANE_OBALKY'])
        town['votes'] = []
            for party in item['VYSLEDEK']['VOLEBNI_STRANA']:
            nothing = 0
#            for obvod in item['OBVOD']:
#                try:
#                    town['votes'][party['@NAZEV_STRANY']]
#                except:
#                    town['votes'][party['@NAZEV_STRANY']] = {}
#                    town['votes'][party['@NAZEV_STRANY']]['result']
#                town['votes'][party['@NAZEV_STRANY']]['name'] = party['@NAZEV_STRANY']
        towns[town['id']] = town
out = []

ep = json.load(json_data)

for eptown in ep['votes']:
        towns[eptown['id']]['lat'] = eptown['lat']
        towns[eptown['id']]['lng'] = eptown['lng']
        towns[eptown['id']]['votes'] = sorted(towns[eptown['id']]['votes'], key=operator.itemgetter('result'), reverse = True)
for o in out:

with open('cz2014towns.json', 'w') as outfile:
  json.dump(out, outfile)  

#{"votes": [{"town": "Bratislava", "votes": ["59572", "171001"], "winner": "Kiska", "lat": "48.166085", "lng": "17.108231", "winner_class": "kiska", "id": "1.1", "population": 230573},