block by michalskop 8049157

CZ elections 2013: new government vs. opposition

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    <title>Czech elections 2013: new government vs. opposition</title>
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      <div class="alert alert-info" >The <strong>size</strong> of bubbles represents number of voters, the <strong>color</strong> represents the winner and the <strong>oppacity</strong> the margin of victory. Possible <span style="color:#00b">government</span> vs. <span style="color:#b00">opposition</span></div>

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    <script type="text/javascript">

		// Create the map
		var map ='map',{zoomControl: false}).setView([50,15], 8);
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		//add circles
		//$.getJSON( "cz_president_2013_both_2_ring.json", function (data) {
		$.getJSON( "cz_psp_2013_ring_cssd-ano-kdu-csl_kscm-top-09-ods-usvit.json", function (data) {
		    $.each(data.features, function (index, value) {
				circle =[value.coordinates[1], value.coordinates[0]], Math.sqrt((parseInt(value.population.p6)+parseInt(value.population.p9))*2750), {
					color: class2color(value.classname),
					fillColor: class2color(value.classname),
					fillOpacity: 2*(Math.max(parseInt(value.population.p6),parseInt(value.population.p9)) / (parseInt(value.population.p6)+parseInt(value.population.p9))-0.5),
					weight: 0.1,
					className: value.classname,	//this does not seem to work, so hacked by class2color
				perc1 = Math.round(Math.max(parseInt(value.population.p6),parseInt(value.population.p9)) / (parseInt(value.population.p6)+parseInt(value.population.p9)) * 100);
				perc2 = 100 - perc1;
				circle.bindPopup( + "<br>" + value.winner + " vyhrály " + perc1 + " % vs. " + perc2 + " % <br>(" +Math.max(value.population.p6,value.population.p9) + " : " + Math.min(value.population.p6,value.population.p9) + " hlasov)");
		function class2color(className) {
		  if (className == 'cssd-ano-kdu-csl') return "#00b";
		  if (className == 'kscm-top-09-ods-usvit') return "#b00";
		  else return "#fff";