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<title>Local elections in Czech Republic 2014</title>
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<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Local elections in Czech Republic 2014 - First 3 parties</a>
<div style="position:fixed;top:50px;z-index:1000;">
<div class="alert alert-info" >The <strong>size</strong> of bubbles represents number of voters, the <strong>color</strong> represents the 1st, 2nd and 3rd party.</div>
</div> <div style="position:fixed;top:125px;z-index:1000;">
<div class="alert alert-info" style="float:left;">
<svg height="20" width="20"><circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" fill="#009ee0"></svg> ANO 2011<br/>
<svg height="20" width="20"><circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" fill="#f54200"></svg> ČSSD<br/>
<svg height="20" width="20"><circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" fill="#808"></svg> STAN / TOP 09<br/>
<svg height="20" width="20"><circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" fill="#880000"></svg> KSČM<br/>
<svg height="20" width="20"><circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" fill="#fedc35"></svg> KDU-ČSL<br>
<svg height="20" width="20"><circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" fill="#008"></svg> ODS
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j = 0;
$.getJSON( "cz2014towns.json", function (data) {
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
description = "<strong>" + + "</strong> (" + value.population + ")<br>";
mx = Math.min(value['votes'].length, 9)
for (i = 0; i < mx; i++) {
description += value['votes'][i]['name'] + ": " + value['votes'][i]['result'] +"%<br>";
positionparam = 0.000000025;
sizeparam = 1000;
r = 0;
population = parseInt(value.population);
if (typeof(value['votes'][0]) !== 'undefined') {
result0 = value['votes'][0]['result']/100;
R0 = 2*Math.sqrt(result0*population*positionparam/3.14);
for (i = 2; i >= 0; i--) {
if (typeof(value['votes'][i]) !== 'undefined') {
color = name2color(value['votes'][i]['name']);
result = value['votes'][i]['result']/100;
R = Math.sqrt(result*population*positionparam/3.14);
dx = Math.sin(i*3.14*2/3)*(2*R0-R);
dy = Math.cos(i*3.14*2/3)*(2*R0-R);
size = Math.sqrt(result*sizeparam*population);
circle =[parseFloat(, parseFloat(value.lng)-dx], size, {
color: color,
fillColor: color,
fillOpacity: 0.85,
weight: 1,
r = r + result*3.14*2;
function convertToSlug(Text)
return Text
.replace(/[^\w ]+/g,'')
.replace(/ +/g,'-')
function name2color(n) {
if ((n == 'ANO 2011') || (n == 'Politické hnutí ANO 2011')) return '#009ee0';
if ((n == 'TOP 09') || (n == 'STAROSTOVÉ A NEZÁVISLÍ') || (n == 'Starostové pro Liberecký kraj')) return '#808';
if (n == 'Česká strana sociálně demokratická') return '#f54200';
if (n == 'Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy') return '#880000';
if (n == 'Křesťanská a demokratická unie - Československá strana lidová') return '#fedc35';
if ((n == 'PRO Chomutov') || (n == 'Změna pro Liberec') || (n == 'PRO! Ústí') || (n == 'VOLBA PRO! TEPLICE') || (n == 'Strana zelených')) return '#0b0';
if (n == 'Občanská demokratická strana') return '#008';
if (n == 'Česká strana sociálně demokratická') return '#f54200';
if (n == 'Česká pirátská strana') return '#000';
return '#888';