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Prague: spatial distribution 2018-2019

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WPCA Analysis of Prague Assembly

2018 - 06/2019

Analysis flow


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          <h2>Rozložení zastupitelů v Praze dle svého hlasování (2018-2019)</h2>
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6254,"Stanislav Nekolný, MBA",-0.959232016665741,-0.901644078862583,0.734304101228732,"ANO 2011","#261060"
5846,"Ing. Jakob Hurrle",0.66727791802772,0.325407365343984,0.181328402717551,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5842,"Martin Arden",0.73763886214504,0.485443818895901,0.322888914628889,"Piráti","#000000"
5818,"PhDr. Pavel Světlík",0.722606857169152,0.044511302241522,0.058185296613972,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5816,"Milan Maruštík",-1.16061842733739,-0.019791235245615,0.032175424923091,"ANO 2011","#261060"
5814,"Ing. Lubomír Brož",-1.15297979094009,-0.051749715701771,0.01569084858329,"ANO 2011","#261060"
5812,"Václav Bílek",-1.14249323841448,-0.045247777851564,0.023622984080692,"ANO 2011","#261060"
5810,"Mgr. Marta Gellová",-1.14962805181627,-0.045945197800113,0.020902254760379,"ANO 2011","#261060"
5808,"Ing. Ivan Pilný",-1.14798684031181,-0.018994843404626,0.11000615439912,"ANO 2011","#261060"
5802,"Pavel Zelenka",0.755535381820959,0.001525058422909,-0.017275749355824,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5800,"Mgr. Martin Benda",0.753979212730889,0.054574974687427,0.065631439752563,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5798,"Ing. arch. PhDr Lenka Burgerová, Ph.D.",0.753214514992205,-0.191506813949039,0.286501032434354,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5796,"Mgr. Jiří Knitl",0.732071022177196,0.041451461007905,0.06195773215747,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5792,"Pavel Vyhnánek, M.A.",0.716630763864589,0.037711198828574,-0.01860616081433,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5790,"Mgr. Milena Johnová",0.760322804958725,0.012689022518075,-0.003707209962841,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5788,"Ing.  Adam Scheinherr, MSc., Ph.D.",0.766309195617462,0.038062089285244,0.021965768148046,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5786,"Ing. Mariana Čapková",0.754797824950398,0.002640481671321,0.028830116766191,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5784,"Petr Zeman",0.755608947855756,0.025300407797909,0.016134349781559,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5782,"MgA. Hana Třeštíková",0.692902763224279,0.105350807328635,0.002543929299467,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
5780,"Mgr. Petr Kubíček",0.695654946143861,-0.075488165712629,-0.25049471499378,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
5778,"Mgr. Jiří Koubek, DiS.",0.703323858046363,-0.079267811658014,-0.267566804813814,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
5776,"Mgr. Jan Chabr",0.491113103432753,-0.304898293952959,-0.268958756967299,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
5774,"Mgr. Radek Vondra",0.673334401467465,-0.310411347737056,0.086881356737934,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
5772,"Ing. Pavel Richter",0.753881492690599,-0.035604666483593,-0.149642117591318,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
5770,"Ing. Petr Hlubuček",0.680367810394071,0.009555373086536,-0.106118501058791,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
5768,"doc. Ing. arch. Petr Hlaváček",0.728261037921687,0.046483185006884,-0.096028962593139,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
5766,"JUDr. Jiří Pospíšil",0.510655526475468,-0.139072014234621,-0.520131004269068,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
5764,"JUDr. Hana Kordová Marvanová",0.596441117966523,-0.053398912822185,-0.281686596551885,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
5762,"Jiří Dohnal",0.730897587408237,0.034096749913347,0.097195199741386,"Piráti","#000000"
5760,"Mgr. Ing. Jaromír Beránek",0.703639342847691,0.105376124212874,0.110911985696931,"Piráti","#000000"
5758,"Ing. Pavel Hájek",0.661819656735838,0.17594841719825,0.115039679171629,"Piráti","#000000"
5754,"Tomáš Murňák",0.742632930214278,0.115389059306092,0.073015184081468,"Piráti","#000000"
5752,"Mgr. Eva Horáková",0.774070688804693,0.121582827987382,0.033121222192994,"Piráti","#000000"
5750,"Bc. Michaela Krausová",0.657736046711737,0.149774310380833,0.08465084297953,"Piráti","#000000"
5748,"PhDr. Mgr. Vít Šimral, Ph.D. et Ph.D.",0.717164554249033,0.056090183127576,0.109238253960404,"Piráti","#000000"
5744,"MUDr. Zdeněk Hřib",0.724427830178935,0.103264751513741,0.137536693899924,"Piráti","#000000"
5742,"Mgr. Karel Hanzlík",-1.07864558780387,0.279728361519317,-0.459825728577147,"ODS","#004494"
5740,"MUDr. Tomáš Kaštovský",-1.08956747379126,-0.006288069151725,-0.020991783262177,"ODS","#004494"
5738,"Ing. Martin Sedeke",-1.11078258175959,0.015544543023342,-0.053718597559604,"ODS","#004494"
5736,"Mgr. Jakub Stárek",-1.10410631572032,0.013463710181798,-0.041562987780895,"ODS","#004494"
5734,"Bc. Tomáš Štampach",-1.12617839281731,0.017829545426368,-0.022135729117743,"ODS","#004494"
5732,"Jiří Zajac",-1.10840280218002,-0.047712786694418,-0.032623655188626,"ODS","#004494"
5730,"Mgr. Zdeněk Zajíček",-1.16031723694442,-0.015601077087229,0.0372666805999,"ODS","#004494"
5728,"Mgr. Tomáš Portlík",-1.09957608874872,-0.032700917841066,-0.061501691281914,"ODS","#004494"
5660,"Ondřej Kallasch",0.730415307801859,-0.176241215901307,0.303054672897712,"Piráti","#000000"
5656,"Viktor Mahrik",0.746742810416319,0.002126801053152,0.138039413183049,"Piráti","#000000"
5407,"Ing. Ladislav Kos",0.737823045616493,0.512386347086298,0.359692619974975,"Piráti","#000000"
5357,"Ing. Ondřej Prokop",-1.15518850976487,-0.050644160253385,0.001180251073552,"ANO 2011","#261060"
4943,"Adam Zábranský",0.729254704560348,0.089726830437933,0.110853466047971,"Piráti","#000000"
4941,"Jan Wolf",0.484534472505008,-0.492316103778312,-0.479335592248462,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
4931,"Ing. Miloš Růžička",0.770836495135921,-0.011834969689436,-0.102862144268656,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
4923,"RNDr. Marcela Plesníková",-1.14422253910118,-0.021923196166826,0.016123805954651,"ANO 2011","#261060"
4921,"RNDr. Jana Plamínková",0.719675831645595,-0.033856983402926,-0.219757683988628,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
4919,"JUDr. Petr Novotný",-1.14174937203561,0.014712227189161,0.110592820025737,"ANO 2011","#261060"
4915,"Radomír Nepil",-1.14073459231867,-0.026427504594059,0.038881152977155,"ANO 2011","#261060"
4913,"Ing. Patrik Nacher",-1.16002933976444,-0.031607826898256,0.019111165943149,"ANO 2011","#261060"
4905,"Ing. Radek Lacko",-1.14509631176118,-0.055491774097251,0.014453985797492,"ANO 2011","#261060"
4895,"JUDr. Jaroslava Janderová",-1.10656283553307,0.069664646546077,-0.011791175734408,"ODS","#004494"
4879,"PharmDr. Petr Fifka",-1.11941806891619,0.053874662836383,0.054151115880558,"ODS","#004494"
4873,"Mgr. Jan Čižinský",0.746232783620718,-0.012479939034381,0.022985130641098,"PRAHA SOBĚ","#e6ac21"
4522,"Ing. Ondřej Martan",-1.1099769683673,-0.037251024538113,-0.023382906077744,"ODS","#004494"
4350,"Ing. Alexandra Udženija",-1.12654637131453,0.016870971252531,-0.032469273027985,"ODS","#004494"
4342,"prof. Ing. Mgr. Martin Dlouhý, Dr., MSc.",0.713205791256103,-0.162448132502987,-0.151337141086709,"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","#723769"
4316,"doc. MUDr. Bohuslav Svoboda, CSc.",-1.14588554808141,0.102922520389228,0.04672507164396,"ODS","#004494"
3925,"Ing. David Vodrážka",-1.10240445711658,0.090155061216936,0.076892922038552,"ODS","#004494"


3925,Ing. David Vodrážka,-1.1024044571165756,0.09015506121693621,0.07689292203855198
4316,"doc. MUDr. Bohuslav Svoboda, CSc.",-1.1458855480814065,0.10292252038922828,0.046725071643960225
4342,"prof. Ing. Mgr. Martin Dlouhý, Dr., MSc.",0.7132057912561032,-0.16244813250298734,-0.15133714108670918
4350,Ing. Alexandra Udženija,-1.1265463713145343,0.01687097125253053,-0.032469273027985336
4522,Ing. Ondřej Martan,-1.1099769683672975,-0.03725102453811314,-0.02338290607774428
4873,Mgr. Jan Čižinský,0.7462327836207177,-0.012479939034381094,0.022985130641097893
4879,PharmDr. Petr Fifka,-1.119418068916188,0.05387466283638334,0.054151115880557904
4895,JUDr. Jaroslava Janderová,-1.1065628355330688,0.06966464654607654,-0.011791175734407902
4905,Ing. Radek Lacko,-1.145096311761176,-0.0554917740972512,0.014453985797492188
4913,Ing. Patrik Nacher,-1.1600293397644417,-0.03160782689825628,0.019111165943148798
4915,Radomír Nepil,-1.140734592318673,-0.026427504594059164,0.03888115297715526
4919,JUDr. Petr Novotný,-1.141749372035614,0.014712227189161202,0.11059282002573737
4921,RNDr. Jana Plamínková,0.7196758316455952,-0.03385698340292551,-0.2197576839886283
4923,RNDr. Marcela Plesníková,-1.1442225391011767,-0.021923196166826378,0.016123805954651165
4931,Ing. Miloš Růžička,0.7708364951359213,-0.011834969689435813,-0.10286214426865611
4941,Jan Wolf,0.48453447250500836,-0.49231610377831225,-0.47933559224846206
4943,Adam Zábranský,0.7292547045603481,0.08972683043793246,0.11085346604797061
5357,Ing. Ondřej Prokop,-1.1551885097648713,-0.05064416025338505,0.0011802510735522819
5656,Viktor Mahrik,0.7467428104163185,0.0021268010531522176,0.1380394131830493
5660,Ondřej Kallasch,0.7304153078018594,-0.1762412159013072,0.3030546728977116
5728,Mgr. Tomáš Portlík,-1.099576088748716,-0.03270091784106594,-0.06150169128191426
5730,Mgr. Zdeněk Zajíček,-1.160317236944423,-0.01560107708722922,0.037266680599900306
5732,Jiří Zajac,-1.108402802180016,-0.04771278669441747,-0.032623655188626054
5734,Bc. Tomáš Štampach,-1.1261783928173121,0.017829545426367433,-0.022135729117743138
5736,Mgr. Jakub Stárek,-1.1041063157203246,0.01346371018179795,-0.041562987780894914
5738,Ing. Martin Sedeke,-1.1107825817595882,0.015544543023342197,-0.05371859755960425
5740,MUDr. Tomáš Kaštovský,-1.08956747379126,-0.006288069151724715,-0.02099178326217685
5742,Mgr. Karel Hanzlík,-1.0786455878038683,0.27972836151931707,-0.4598257285771474
5744,MUDr. Zdeněk Hřib,0.7244278301789348,0.10326475151374113,0.13753669389992412
5748,"PhDr. Mgr. Vít Šimral, Ph.D. et Ph.D.",0.7171645542490326,0.05609018312757613,0.10923825396040401
5750,Bc. Michaela Krausová,0.6577360467117368,0.14977431038083264,0.08465084297953
5752,Mgr. Eva Horáková,0.774070688804693,0.12158282798738153,0.033121222192993814
5754,Tomáš Murňák,0.7426329302142779,0.11538905930609246,0.07301518408146782
5758,Ing. Pavel Hájek,0.6618196567358375,0.17594841719825027,0.11503967917162891
5760,Mgr. Ing. Jaromír Beránek,0.7036393428476907,0.10537612421287428,0.11091198569693106
5762,Jiří Dohnal,0.730897587408237,0.034096749913347255,0.09719519974138591
5764,JUDr. Hana Kordová Marvanová,0.5964411179665232,-0.05339891282218507,-0.28168659655188527
5766,JUDr. Jiří Pospíšil,0.510655526475468,-0.13907201423462104,-0.520131004269068
5768,doc. Ing. arch. Petr Hlaváček,0.7282610379216866,0.046483185006883664,-0.09602896259313858
5770,Ing. Petr Hlubuček,0.6803678103940707,0.00955537308653582,-0.10611850105879123
5772,Ing. Pavel Richter,0.7538814926905991,-0.035604666483592486,-0.14964211759131774
5774,Mgr. Radek Vondra,0.6733344014674648,-0.3104113477370562,0.08688135673793436
5776,Mgr. Jan Chabr,0.4911131034327528,-0.3048982939529595,-0.26895875696729854
5778,"Mgr. Jiří Koubek, DiS.",0.7033238580463632,-0.07926781165801342,-0.2675668048138142
5780,Mgr. Petr Kubíček,0.6956549461438613,-0.0754881657126288,-0.2504947149937803
5782,MgA. Hana Třeštíková,0.692902763224279,0.10535080732863529,0.0025439292994667998
5784,Petr Zeman,0.755608947855756,0.02530040779790879,0.016134349781558935
5786,Ing. Mariana Čapková,0.7547978249503979,0.0026404816713209785,0.02883011676619082
5788,"Ing.  Adam Scheinherr, MSc., Ph.D.",0.7663091956174617,0.03806208928524352,0.02196576814804595
5790,Mgr. Milena Johnová,0.7603228049587252,0.012689022518074734,-0.0037072099628412767
5792,"Pavel Vyhnánek, M.A.",0.7166307638645892,0.03771119882857392,-0.01860616081433033
5796,Mgr. Jiří Knitl,0.7320710221771964,0.04145146100790522,0.06195773215746976
5798,"Ing. arch. PhDr Lenka Burgerová, Ph.D.",0.7532145149922048,-0.19150681394903918,0.28650103243435404
5800,Mgr. Martin Benda,0.7539792127308892,0.054574974687426926,0.06563143975256322
5802,Pavel Zelenka,0.7555353818209595,0.0015250584229093691,-0.017275749355823468
5808,Ing. Ivan Pilný,-1.1479868403118105,-0.018994843404625983,0.11000615439912044
5810,Mgr. Marta Gellová,-1.1496280518162718,-0.045945197800113156,0.02090225476037922
5812,Václav Bílek,-1.1424932384144793,-0.04524777785156428,0.023622984080691786
5814,Ing. Lubomír Brož,-1.1529797909400927,-0.051749715701770636,0.015690848583290208
5816,Milan Maruštík,-1.16061842733739,-0.01979123524561482,0.03217542492309071
5818,PhDr. Pavel Světlík,0.7226068571691519,0.04451130224152184,0.05818529661397171
5846,Ing. Jakob Hurrle,0.6672779180277197,0.32540736534398357,0.18132840271755085
5407,Ing. Ladislav Kos,0.7378230456164933,0.5123863470862978,0.3596926199749751
5842,Martin Arden,0.7376388621450402,0.4854438188959014,0.32288891462888886
6254,"Stanislav Nekolný, MBA",-0.9592320166657408,-0.9016440788625827,0.7343041012287322


/* requires D3 + */
d3.scatterplotwithlineplot = function() {
  unit_circle = true;
  function scatterplotwithlineplot(selection) {
    selection.each(function(d, i) {
      var data = (typeof(data) === "function" ? data(d) :,
          //lines = (typeof(lines) === "function" ? lines(d) : d.lines),
          margin = (typeof(margin) === "function" ? margin(d) : d.margin),
          axes = (typeof(axes) === "function" ? axes(d) : d.axes),
          minmax = (typeof(minmax) === "function" ? minmax(d) : d.minmax),
          size = (typeof(size) === "function" ? size(d) : d.size),
          unit_circle_val = (typeof(unit_circle) === "function" ? unit_circle(d) : unit_circle);

      // chart sizes
      var width = size['width'] - margin.left - margin.right,
          height = size['height'] - - margin.bottom;

      var xScale = d3.scale.linear()
			 .domain([minmax['x']['min'], minmax['x']['max']])
			 .range([0, width])

      var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
			 .domain([minmax['y']['min'], minmax['y']['max']])
			 .range([height, 0])

      var rScale = d3.scale.linear()

      var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
        //.tickSize(16, 0);
      var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()

      var element =;

		//Create X axis
			.attr("class", "axis x-axis")
			.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")

		//Create Y axis
			.attr("class", "axis y-axis")

      limits = {"x":[minmax["x"]["min"],minmax["x"]["max"]],"y":[minmax["y"]["min"],minmax["y"]["max"]]}
//      for (k in lines) {
//        ps = linecross(lines[k],limits);
//        if (ps.length == 2) {
//          lines[k].x1 = ps[0][0];
//          lines[k].y1 = ps[0][1];
//          lines[k].x2 = ps[1][0];
//          lines[k].y2 = ps[1][1];
//        }
//        way = get_sign(lines[k].b,lines[k].n1,lines[k].n2);
//        lines[k].path =[corners(lines[k],limits,way),corners(lines[k],limits,-1*way)];
//      }

      //ellipse ~ unit_circle
      // if (unit_circle_val) {
      //     element.selectAll(".ellipse")
      //         .data([0])
      //       .enter()
      //         .append("ellipse")
      //           .attr("cx", xScale(0))
      //           .attr("cy", yScale(0))
      //           .attr("rx", Math.abs(xScale(1)-xScale(0)))
      //           .attr("ry", Math.abs(yScale(1)-yScale(0)))
      //           .attr("fill-opacity",0)
      //           .attr("stroke","red")
      //           .style("stroke-dasharray", ("10,3"));
      // }

//      var line = element.selectAll ('.line')
//         .data(lines)
//         .enter()
//            .append("line")
//         .attr("x1",function(d) {return xScale(d.x1)})
//         .attr("y1",function(d) {return yScale(d.y1)})
//         .attr("x2",function(d) {return xScale(d.x2)})
//         .attr("y2",function(d) {return yScale(d.y2)})
//         .attr("id", function (d, i) {return "q-" + i;})
//         .attr("class", function(d) {
//		   		if (typeof(d['class'] != 'undefined')) return d['class'];
//		   		else return 'line';
//		   })
//		    //putting it here and not in css, because it is used for generating png:
//		 .attr("stroke","gray")
//		 .attr("stroke-width","1")
//		 .attr("opacity", 0.15)
//         .on('mouseover',
//         .on('mouseout', tip.hide);

		   .attr("cx", function(d) {
		   		return xScale(d.x);
		   .attr("cy", function(d) {
		   		return yScale(d.y);
		   .attr("r", function(d) {
		        if ((typeof(d['r']) != 'undefined') && (d['r'] != ''))
		            return rScale(d.r);
		   		else return rScale(0.15);
		   .attr("class", function(d) {
		   		if ((typeof(d['class']) != 'undefined') && (d['class'] != ''))
		   		     return d['class'];
		   		else return 'circle';
		   .attr("fill",function(d) {
		       if ((typeof(d['color']) != 'undefined') && (d['color'] != ''))
    		     return d.color;
    		     return "#eee";
		   .attr("stroke",function(d) {
		       if ((typeof(d['color']) != 'undefined') && (d['color'] != ''))
    		     return d.color;
    		     return "#bbb";
    	   .attr("stroke-width",function(d) {
		        if ((typeof(d['r']) != 'undefined') && (d['r'] != ''))
		            return Math.max(d.r*5,1);
		   		else return 1;
		   .attr("fill-opacity",function(d) {
		       if ((typeof(d['opacity']) != 'undefined') && (d['opacity'] != ''))
    		     return d.opacity;
    		     return 0.5;
           .on('mouseout', tip.hide);

      //axis labels
			.attr("class", "x-label label")
			.attr("text-anchor", "end")
			.attr("x", width)
			.attr("y", height-5)
			.attr("class", "y label")
			.attr("text-anchor", "end")
			.attr("y", 5)
			.attr("x", 0)
			.attr("dy", ".75em")
			.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")

	  // putting it here and not in css, because it is used for generating png:
                //convert dy("0.71em") to dy("10"), inkscape feature :
                .attr("dy",function(d) {
                    if ("dy")) {
                        em = parseFloat("dy").replace("em",""));
                        if ("font-size"))
                            px = parseFloat("font-size"));
                            px = 11;
                        return em*px + "px";
                    } else {
                        return 0;
  } = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    data = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
//  scatterplotwithlineplot.lines = function(value) {
//    if (!arguments.length) return value;
//    lines = value;
//    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
//  };
  scatterplotwithlineplot.margin = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    margin = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  scatterplotwithlineplot.axes = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    axes = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  scatterplotwithlineplot.minmax = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    minmax = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  scatterplotwithlineplot.size = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    size = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  scatterplotwithlineplot.unit_circle = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    unit_circle = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  return scatterplotwithlineplot;

    function corners(l,e,o) {
      //l = {"a":0,"b":1}  //line, a and slope, i.e., y=a+bx
      //e = {"x": [-10,10], "y": [-10,10]} //limits
      //o = 1 //orientation -1 or 1

      //crossing x0, x1
      //crossing y0, y1
      outp = linecross (l,e);

      out = [];

      for (i=0;i<=1;i++){
        for (j=0;j<=1;j++){
          if (o*(l.a+l.b*e.x[i]-e.y[j]) > 0)
      //sort the outps, anticlockwise
      if (outp.length > 0) {
        mid = [0,0];
        for (i in outp) {
          mid[0] += outp[i][0];
          mid[1] += outp[i][1];
        mid[0] = mid[0] / outp.length;
        mid[1] = mid[1] / outp.length;
        for (i in outp) {
          p = outp[i][1] - mid[1];
          q = outp[i][0] - mid[0];
          if (q != 0)
            outp[i][2] = Math.atan(p/q) + (q<0 ? Math.PI : 0);
            outp[i][2] = Math.PI/2 + Math.PI*sign(p);
        outp = outp.sort(function(w,z) {
          return w[2] > z[2];
        for (i in outp) {
      return out;

  function linecross (l,e) {
      out = [];
      //crossing x0, x1
      for (i=0;i<=1;i++){
        Y = l.a + l.b*e.x[i];
        if ((Y > e.y[0]) && (Y < e.y[1]))
      //crossing y0, y1
      for (j=0;j<=1;j++){
        if (l.b != 0) {
          X = (e.y[j] - l.a)/l.b;
          if ((X > e.x[0]) && (X < e.x[1]))
      return out;

    function get_sign(b,d1,d2) {
      t = b*d1-d2;
      if (t > 0) return 1;
      if (t < 0) return -1;
      return 0;



/* requires D3 + */
d3.scatterplotwithlineplot = function() {
  function scatterplotwithlineplot(selection) {
    selection.each(function(d, i) {
      var data = (typeof(data) === "function" ? data(d) :,
          lines = (typeof(lines) === "function" ? lines(d) : d.lines),
          margin = (typeof(margin) === "function" ? margin(d) : d.margin),
          axes = (typeof(axes) === "function" ? axes(d) : d.axes),
          minmax = (typeof(minmax) === "function" ? minmax(d) : d.minmax),
          size = (typeof(size) === "function" ? size(d) : d.size);
      // chart sizes
      var width = size['width'] - margin.left - margin.right,
          height = size['height'] - - margin.bottom;
      var xScale = d3.scale.linear()
							 .domain([minmax['x']['min'], minmax['x']['max']])
							 .range([0, width])

      var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
							 .domain([minmax['y']['min'], minmax['y']['max']])
							 .range([height, 0])

      var rScale = d3.scale.linear()

      var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
        //.tickSize(16, 0);  
      var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()

      var element =;
		//Create X axis
			.attr("class", "axis x-axis")
			.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
		//Create Y axis
			.attr("class", "axis y-axis")
      limits = {"x":[minmax["x"]["min"],minmax["x"]["max"]],"y":[minmax["y"]["min"],minmax["y"]["max"]]}
      for (k in lines) {
        ps = linecross(lines[k],limits);
        if (ps.length == 2) {
          lines[k].x1 = ps[0][0];
          lines[k].y1 = ps[0][1];
          lines[k].x2 = ps[1][0];
          lines[k].y2 = ps[1][1];
        way = get_sign(lines[k].b,lines[k].n1,lines[k].n2);
        lines[k].path =[corners(lines[k],limits,way),corners(lines[k],limits,-1*way)];
      var line = element.selectAll ('.line')
         .attr("x1",function(d) {return xScale(d.x1)})
         .attr("y1",function(d) {return yScale(d.y1)})
         .attr("x2",function(d) {return xScale(d.x2)})
         .attr("y2",function(d) {return yScale(d.y2)})
         .attr("id", function (d, i) {return "q-" + i;})
         .attr("class", function(d) {
		   		if (typeof(d['class'] != 'undefined')) return d['class'];
		   		else return 'line';
         .on('mouseout', tip.hide);
		   .attr("cx", function(d) {
		   		return xScale(d.x);
		   .attr("cy", function(d) {
		   		return yScale(d.y);
		   .attr("r", function(d) {
		   		return rScale(d.r);
		   .attr("class", function(d) {
		   		if (typeof(d['class'] != 'undefined')) return d['class'];
		   		else return 'circle';
		   .attr("fill",function(d) {return d.color})
		   .attr("stroke",function(d) {return d.color})
           .on('mouseout', tip.hide);
      //axis labels
			.attr("class", "x-label label")
			.attr("text-anchor", "end")
			.attr("x", width)
			.attr("y", height-5)
			.attr("class", "y label")
			.attr("text-anchor", "end")
			.attr("y", 5)
			.attr("x", 0)
			.attr("dy", ".75em")
			.attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
  } = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    data = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  scatterplotwithlineplot.lines = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    lines = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  scatterplotwithlineplot.margin = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    margin = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  scatterplotwithlineplot.axes = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    axes = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  scatterplotwithlineplot.minmax = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    minmax = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  scatterplotwithlineplot.size = function(value) {
    if (!arguments.length) return value;
    size = value;
    return scatterplotwithlineplot;
  return scatterplotwithlineplot;
    function corners(l,e,o) {
      //l = {"a":0,"b":1}  //line, a and slope, i.e., y=a+bx
      //e = {"x": [-10,10], "y": [-10,10]} //limits
      //o = 1 //orientation -1 or 1

      //crossing x0, x1  
      //crossing y0, y1
      outp = linecross (l,e);
      out = [];

      for (i=0;i<=1;i++){
        for (j=0;j<=1;j++){
          if (o*(l.a+l.b*e.x[i]-e.y[j]) > 0)
      //sort the outps, anticlockwise
      if (outp.length > 0) {
        mid = [0,0];
        for (i in outp) {
          mid[0] += outp[i][0];
          mid[1] += outp[i][1];
        mid[0] = mid[0] / outp.length;
        mid[1] = mid[1] / outp.length;
        for (i in outp) {
          p = outp[i][1] - mid[1];
          q = outp[i][0] - mid[0];
          if (q != 0)
            outp[i][2] = Math.atan(p/q) + (q<0 ? Math.PI : 0);
            outp[i][2] = Math.PI/2 + Math.PI*sign(p);
        outp = outp.sort(function(w,z) {
          return w[2] > z[2];
        for (i in outp) {
      return out;
  function linecross (l,e) {
      out = [];
      //crossing x0, x1
      for (i=0;i<=1;i++){
        Y = l.a + l.b*e.x[i];
        if ((Y > e.y[0]) && (Y < e.y[1]))
      //crossing y0, y1
      for (j=0;j<=1;j++){
        if (l.b != 0) {
          X = (e.y[j] - l.a)/l.b;
          if ((X > e.x[0]) && (X < e.x[1]))
      return out;

    function get_sign(b,d1,d2) {
      t = b*d1-d2;
      if (t > 0) return 1;
      if (t < 0) return -1;
      return 0;

// d3.tip
// Copyright (c) 2013 Justin Palmer
// Tooltips for d3.js SVG visualizations

(function (root, factory) {
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
    // AMD. Register as an anonymous module with d3 as a dependency.
    define(['d3'], factory)
  } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
    // CommonJS
    module.exports = function(d3) {
      d3.tip = factory(d3)
      return d3.tip
  } else {
    // Browser global.
    root.d3.tip = factory(root.d3)
}(this, function (d3) {

  // Public - contructs a new tooltip
  // Returns a tip
  return function() {
    var direction = d3_tip_direction,
        offset    = d3_tip_offset,
        html      = d3_tip_html,
        node      = initNode(),
        svg       = null,
        point     = null,
        target    = null

    function tip(vis) {
      svg = getSVGNode(vis)
      point = svg.createSVGPoint()

    // Public - show the tooltip on the screen
    // Returns a tip = function() {
      var args =
      if(args[args.length - 1] instanceof SVGElement) target = args.pop()

      var content = html.apply(this, args),
          poffset = offset.apply(this, args),
          dir     = direction.apply(this, args),
          nodel   =,
          i       = directions.length,
          scrollTop  = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop,
          scrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft

        .style({ opacity: 1, 'pointer-events': 'all' })

      while(i--) nodel.classed(directions[i], false)
      coords = direction_callbacks.get(dir).apply(this)
      nodel.classed(dir, true).style({
        top: ( +  poffset[0]) + scrollTop + 'px',
        left: (coords.left + poffset[1]) + scrollLeft + 'px'

      return tip

    // Public - hide the tooltip
    // Returns a tip
    tip.hide = function() {
      var nodel ={ opacity: 0, 'pointer-events': 'none' })
      return tip

    // Public: Proxy attr calls to the d3 tip container.  Sets or gets attribute value.
    // n - name of the attribute
    // v - value of the attribute
    // Returns tip or attribute value
    tip.attr = function(n, v) {
      if (arguments.length < 2 && typeof n === 'string') {
      } else {
        var args =
        d3.selection.prototype.attr.apply(, args)

      return tip

    // Public: Proxy style calls to the d3 tip container.  Sets or gets a style value.
    // n - name of the property
    // v - value of the property
    // Returns tip or style property value = function(n, v) {
      if (arguments.length < 2 && typeof n === 'string') {
      } else {
        var args =, args)

      return tip

    // Public: Set or get the direction of the tooltip
    // v - One of n(north), s(south), e(east), or w(west), nw(northwest),
    //     sw(southwest), ne(northeast) or se(southeast)
    // Returns tip or direction
    tip.direction = function(v) {
      if (!arguments.length) return direction
      direction = v == null ? v : d3.functor(v)

      return tip

    // Public: Sets or gets the offset of the tip
    // v - Array of [x, y] offset
    // Returns offset or
    tip.offset = function(v) {
      if (!arguments.length) return offset
      offset = v == null ? v : d3.functor(v)

      return tip

    // Public: sets or gets the html value of the tooltip
    // v - String value of the tip
    // Returns html value or tip
    tip.html = function(v) {
      if (!arguments.length) return html
      html = v == null ? v : d3.functor(v)

      return tip

    function d3_tip_direction() { return 'n' }
    function d3_tip_offset() { return [0, 0] }
    function d3_tip_html() { return ' ' }

    var direction_callbacks ={
      n:  direction_n,
      s:  direction_s,
      e:  direction_e,
      w:  direction_w,
      nw: direction_nw,
      ne: direction_ne,
      sw: direction_sw,
      se: direction_se

    directions = direction_callbacks.keys()

    function direction_n() {
      var bbox = getScreenBBox()
      return {
        top:  bbox.n.y - node.offsetHeight,
        left: bbox.n.x - node.offsetWidth / 2

    function direction_s() {
      var bbox = getScreenBBox()
      return {
        top:  bbox.s.y,
        left: bbox.s.x - node.offsetWidth / 2

    function direction_e() {
      var bbox = getScreenBBox()
      return {
        top:  bbox.e.y - node.offsetHeight / 2,
        left: bbox.e.x

    function direction_w() {
      var bbox = getScreenBBox()
      return {
        top:  bbox.w.y - node.offsetHeight / 2,
        left: bbox.w.x - node.offsetWidth

    function direction_nw() {
      var bbox = getScreenBBox()
      return {
        top:  bbox.nw.y - node.offsetHeight,
        left: bbox.nw.x - node.offsetWidth

    function direction_ne() {
      var bbox = getScreenBBox()
      return {
        top: - node.offsetHeight,

    function direction_sw() {
      var bbox = getScreenBBox()
      return {
        top:  bbox.sw.y,
        left: bbox.sw.x - node.offsetWidth

    function direction_se() {
      var bbox = getScreenBBox()
      return {
        left: bbox.e.x

    function initNode() {
      var node ='div')){
        position: 'absolute',
        top: 0,
        opacity: 0,
        'pointer-events': 'none',
        'box-sizing': 'border-box'

      return node.node()

    function getSVGNode(el) {
      el = el.node()
      if(el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'svg')
        return el

      return el.ownerSVGElement

    // Private - gets the screen coordinates of a shape
    // Given a shape on the screen, will return an SVGPoint for the directions
    // n(north), s(south), e(east), w(west), ne(northeast), se(southeast), nw(northwest),
    // sw(southwest).
    //    +-+-+
    //    |   |
    //    +   +
    //    |   |
    //    +-+-+
    // Returns an Object {n, s, e, w, nw, sw, ne, se}
    function getScreenBBox() {
      var targetel   = target ||;

      while ('undefined' === typeof targetel.getScreenCTM && 'undefined' === targetel.parentNode) {
          targetel = targetel.parentNode;

      var bbox       = {},
          matrix     = targetel.getScreenCTM(),
          tbbox      = targetel.getBBox(),
          width      = tbbox.width,
          height     = tbbox.height,
          x          = tbbox.x,
          y          = tbbox.y

      point.x = x
      point.y = y
      bbox.nw = point.matrixTransform(matrix)
      point.x += width = point.matrixTransform(matrix)
      point.y += height = point.matrixTransform(matrix)
      point.x -= width
      bbox.sw = point.matrixTransform(matrix)
      point.y -= height / 2
      bbox.w  = point.matrixTransform(matrix)
      point.x += width
      bbox.e = point.matrixTransform(matrix)
      point.x -= width / 2
      point.y -= height / 2
      bbox.n = point.matrixTransform(matrix)
      point.y += height
      bbox.s = point.matrixTransform(matrix)

      return bbox

    return tip



{"name": "cz-praha-2018-2022-roll-call-votes", "description": "Roll-call votes from Prague Assembly 2018-2022", "resources": [{"name": "voters", "path": "data/voters.csv", "schema": {"fields": [{"name": "id", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "party", "type": "string"}, {"name": "email", "type": "string"}], "primaryKey": "name"}}, {"name": "vote_events", "path": "data/vote_events.csv", "schema": {"fields": [{"name": "id", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "start_date", "type": "string", "format": "YYYY-mm-dd"}, {"name": "motion:name", "type": "string"}, {"name": "motion:number", "type": "string"}, {"name": "motion:document", "type": "string"}, {"name": "sources:link:url", "type": "string"}, {"name": "legislative_session_id", "type": "string"}, {"name": "result", "type": "string"}, {"name": "counts:option:yes", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "counts:option:no", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "counts:option:abstain", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "number_of_people", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "present", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "identifier", "type": "integer"}], "primaryKey": "id"}}, {"name": "votes", "path": "data/votes.csv", "schema": {"fields": [{"name": "vote_event_id", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "voter_id", "type": "integer"}, {"name": "option", "type": "string"}], "primaryKey": ["vote_event_id", "voter_id"]}}]}

"""Downloads the datapackage from Github."""

import json
import requests

path = "/home/michal/dev/wpca/praha_2018-2019/"
url_path = ""

with open(path + "datapackage.json", "w") as fout:
    url = url_path + "datapackage.json"
    r = requests.get(url)
    dpobj = r.json()
    json.dump(dpobj, fout)

for resource in dpobj['resources']:
    with open(path + resource['path'], "w") as fout:
        url = url_path + resource['path']
        r = requests.get(url)

"""Loads datapackage."""

import csv
import json
import operator

path = "/home/michal/dev/wpca/praha_2018-2019/"
# global data
# print(anal)
datapackage = json.loads(open(path + 'datapackage' + anal['name'] + '.json').read())
# print(path + 'datapackage' + anal['name'] + '.json')

def _row2header(row):
    header = {}
    j = 0
    for h in row:
        header[h] = j
        j = j + 1
    return header

def _row2data(row, header):
    out = {}
    for h in header:
        out[h] = row[header[h]]
    return out

# extract info from datapackage
dp = {}
for resource in datapackage['resources']:
    # print(resource["name"])
    if resource["name"] == "voters":
        dp["voters"] = resource
    if resource["name"] == ("vote_events"):
        dp["vote_events"] = resource
    if resource["name"] == ("votes"):
        dp["votes"] = resource

# load into variable
headers = {}
data = {"voters": [], "votes": [], "vote_events": []}
for key in data:
    i = 0
    with open(path + dp[key]["path"], 'r') as csvfile:
        csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        for row in csvreader:
            if i == 0:
                headers[key] = _row2header(row)
                data[key].append(_row2data(row, headers[key]))
            i = i + 1
# reorder for easier access:
people = {}
for person in data["voters"]:
    people[person['id']] = person
vote_events = {}
for vote_event in data["vote_events"]:
    vote_events[vote_event['id']] = vote_event

# sort votes
data["votes"] = sorted(data["votes"], key=operator.itemgetter("vote_event_id", "voter_id"))
# print(data.keys())


"TOP 09 a STAN - Spojené síly pro Prahu","TOP 09",,,
"ANO 2011","ANO",,,

"""Prepares data for chart."""

import csv
import io
import math
import requests

path = "/home/michal/dev/wpca/praha_2018-2019/"
fname = "cz-praha-2018-2022-roll-call-votes-wpca.csv"
# data about parties from Github:
url = ""

# get info about parties from github
r = requests.get(url)
r.encoding = 'utf-8'  # useful if encoding is not sent (or not sent properly) by the server
csvio = io.StringIO(r.text, newline="")
political_parties = []
for row in csv.DictReader(csvio):

def _get_color(abbreviation):
    for pp in political_parties:
        if pp['abbreviation'] == abbreviation:
            return pp['color']
    return '#888888'

# get colors forI don't know why it's not a built-in, but I have some thoughts. local parties
local_parties = {}
with open(path + "parties.csv") as fin:
    dr = csv.DictReader(fin)
    for row in dr:
        if row['color'] == '':
            row['color'] = _get_color(row['abbreviation'])
        local_parties[row['party']] = row

# parties for voters
voters = {}
with open(path + "data/voters.csv") as fin:
    dr = csv.DictReader(fin)
    for row in dr:
        voters[row['id']] = row

# data
data = []
with open(path + fname) as fin:
    dr = csv.DictReader(fin)
    for row in dr:
        row['party'] = voters[row['id']]['party']
        row['color'] = local_parties[row['party']]['color']
    header = row.keys()

# rotations
for k in local_parties:
    if local_parties[k]['rotation:d1'] != '':
        rotation = local_parties[k]

for row in data:
    if row['party'] == rotation['party']:
        r1 = math.copysign(1, float(row['wpca:d1'])) * int(rotation['rotation:d1'])
        r2 = math.copysign(1, float(row['wpca:d2'])) * int(rotation['rotation:d2'])

for row in data:
    row['wpca:d1'] = r1 * float(row['wpca:d1'])
    row['wpca:d2'] = r2 * float(row['wpca:d2'])

with open(path + "chart_data.csv", "w") as fout:
    dw = csv.DictWriter(fout, header)
    for row in data:


Xsource = matrix(Xsourcevector,ncol=3,byrow=T)
dimnames(Xsource)[[2]] = c('vote_event_id','voter_id','option')
Xsource =

"""Calculates WPCA."""

import csv
import json
import numpy
import rpy2.robjects as robjects

r = robjects.r

path = "/home/michal/dev/wpca/praha_2018-2019/"

data = {}
people = {}
datapackage = {}

anals = [
    # {
    #     "name": "_vlada1",
    #     "min": 67018,
    #     "max": 67896
    # },
    # {
    #     "name": "_vlada2",
    #     "min": 67896,
    #     "max": 69449    # 16.3.2019
    # },
    # {
    #     "name": "_left",
    #     "min": 69449,
    #     "max": 70880
    # },
        "name": "",
        "min": 0,
        "max": 1000000
for anal in anals:
    exec(open(path + "").read()), globals()

    # load into row vector in R
    Xsourcevector = []
    'data' in locals()
    # print(data.keys())
    for row in data["votes"]:

    robjects.globalenv["Xsourcevector"] = robjects.StrVector(Xsourcevector)
    r.source(path + "prepare_matrix.r")

    # calculate WPCA
    # check wpca_script.r - loading correct library reshape (library(reshape2, ...))
    r.source(path + "wpca_script.r")

    # save WPCA
    with open(path + datapackage['name'] + '-wpca.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
        csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
        csvwriter.writerow(["id", "name", "wpca:d1", "wpca:d2", "wpca:d3"])
        i = 0   # all people
        k = 0   # cutted people
        rXproju = numpy.array(robjects.globalenv['Xproju'])
        rXpeople = robjects.globalenv['Xpeople']
        rXvote_events = robjects.globalenv['Xvote_events']
        for item in robjects.globalenv['pI']:
            if item:
                    csvwriter.writerow([people[rXpeople[i]]['id'], people[rXpeople[i]]['name'], rXproju[k, 0], rXproju[k, 1], rXproju[k, 2]])
                except Exception:
                    nothing = 0
                k = k + 1
            i = i + 1

    names = r('rownames(Corr0)')
    rdata = r('Corr0')
    k = 0
    dta = {}
    for i in range(0, len(names)):
        for j in range(0, len(names)):
            if names[i] not in dta.keys():
                dta[names[i]] = {}
            dta[names[i]][names[j]] = rdata[k]
            k += 1
    with open(path + "correlation" + anal['name'] + ".json", "w") as fout:
        json.dump(dta, fout)


# raw data in csv using db structure, i.e., a single row contains:
# code of representative, code of division, encoded vote (i.e. one of -1, 1, 0, NA)
# for example:
# “Joe Europe”,”Division-007”,”1”

#Xsource = read.csv("data/votes.csv")

Xsource$vote_event_id = as.factor(Xsource$vote_event_id)
Xsource$voter_id = as.factor(Xsource$voter_id)
#Xsource = Xsource[c("voter_id","vote_event_id","option")]
Xsource$option_numeric = rep(0,length(Xsource$option))
Xsource$option_numeric[Xsource$option=='yes'] = 1
Xsource$option_numeric[Xsource$option=='no'] = -1
Xsource$option_numeric[Xsource$option=='abstain'] = -1
Xsource$option_numeric[Xsource$option=='not voting'] = NA
Xsource$option_numeric[Xsource$option=='absent'] = NA
Xsource$option_numeric = as.numeric(Xsource$option_numeric)

#Xrawdb = _X_RAW_DB
Xrawdb = Xsource
# lower limit to eliminate from calculations, e.g., .1; number
lo_limit = .1

# reorder data; divisions x persons
# we may need to install and/or load some additional libraries
# install.packages("reshape2")
# library("reshape2", lib.loc="/home/michal/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6")
# install.packages("sqldf")
# library("sqldf")

#prevent reordering, which is behaviour of acast:
#Xrawdb$V1 = factor(Xrawdb$V1, levels=unique(Xrawdb$V1))
Xrawdb$voter_id = factor(Xrawdb$voter_id, levels=unique(Xrawdb$voter_id))
Xraw = t(acast(Xrawdb,voter_id~vote_event_id,fun.aggregate=mean,value.var='option_numeric'))
Xpeople = dimnames(Xraw)[[2]]
Xvote_events = dimnames(Xraw)[[1]]
# Xraw=apply(Xraw,1,as.numeric)
mode(Xraw) = 'numeric'
# scale data; divisions x persons (mean=0 and sd=1 for each division)

# weights 1 for divisions, based on number of persons in division
w1 = apply(abs(Xraw)==1,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE)/max(apply(abs(Xraw)==1,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE))
w1[] = 0
# weights 2 for divisions, "100:100" vs. "195:5"
w2 = 1 - abs(apply(Xraw==1,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE) - apply(Xraw==-1,1,sum,na.rm=TRUE))/apply(!,1,sum)
w2[] = 0

# analytical charts for weights:

# weighted scaled matrix; divisions x persons
X = Xstand * w1 * w2

# index of missing data; divisions x persons
I = X
I[!] = 1
I[] = 0

# weighted scaled with NA substituted by 0; division x persons
X0 = X

# weights for non missing data; division x persons
Iw = I*w1*w2
# sum of weights of divisions for each persons; vector of length “persons”
s = apply(Iw,2,sum)
pw = s/(t(w1)%*%w2)
# index of persons kept in calculation; vector of length “persons”
pI = pw > lo_limit
# weighted scaled with NA->0 and cutted persons with too few weighted votes; division x persons
X0c = X0[,pI]
# index of missing cutted (excluded) persons with too few weighted votes; divisions x persons
Ic = I[,pI]
# indexes of cutted (excluded) persons with too few votes; divisions x persons
Iwc = Iw[,pI]

# weighted X’X matrix with missing values substituted and excluded persons; persons x persons
C=t(X0c)%*%X0c * 1/(t(Iwc)%*%Iwc) * (sum(w1*w1*w2*w2))
# substitution of missing data in "covariance" matrix (the simple way)
C0 = C
C0[] = 0

# eigendecomposition
# W (rotation values of persons)
W = Xe$vectors
# projected divisions into dimensions

# analytical charts of projection of divisions and lambdas

# lambda matrix
sigma = sqrt(Xe$values)
sigma[] = 0
lambda = diag(sigma)
# unit scaled lambda matrix
lambdau = sqrt(lambda^2/sum(lambda^2))

# projection of persons into dimensions
Xproj = W%*%lambda
# scaled projection of persons into dimensions
Xproju = W%*%lambdau*sqrt(dim(W)[1])

# analytical chart
# plot(Xproj[,1],Xproj[,2])
# plot(Xproju[,1],Xproju[,2])

# lambda^-1 matrix
lambda_1 = diag(sqrt(1/Xe$values))
lambda_1[] = 0

# Z (rotation values of divisions)
Z = X0c%*%W%*%lambda_1

# analytical charts
# second projection
Xproj2 = t(X0c) %*% Z
# without missing values, they are equal:

Xproj3u = W%*%lambdau * sqrt(lambda[1,1])
Xy3u=X0c%*%W / sqrt(lambda[1,1])

# "correlation matrix" (for charting)
invSC0 = solve(diag(sqrt(diag(C0))))
Corr0 = invSC0 %*% C0 %*% invSC0
rownames(Corr0) = rownames(C0)
colnames(Corr0) = colnames(C0)
# save into JSON file:
# setwd("home/michal/dev/wpca/psp/cs-2017-2019/")
# library("jsonlite", lib.loc="/home/michal/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4")
# sink(file="correlation_from_r.json")
# serializeJSON(
# sink()