Felt API + Jupyter Notebook
Pirate Weather → iCal & JSON Script
Twitter archive README content
Ghana test with Geoparquet
Overture query examples for five major world cities
OSMF 2021 Survey Regions
Generate Codenames board in Google Sheets
Mercator Projection with GDAL
Sample Virginia PlanScore model tiles
Sample Virginia PlanScore model tile 13/2333/3172
Sample Virginia PlanScore model tile 10/285/394
Use Brooklyn Integers directly in Postgres
Convert WI ward-level result CSVs from OpenElections to tabular format
Intersect North Carolina voting precincts with Census tracts to get selected area-weighted race, income, and education statistics
Convert NC precinct-level result CSVs from OpenElections to tabular format
Script to bake gridded U.S. population based on ACS 5-year data
See https://github.com/censusreporter/census-api/issues/44
Testing Compare G-Econ.ipynb
Mapzen API index
Converting from OpenAddresses stats table to runs and sets table
Grabbing census tracts around Oakland, messing with Turf
Compiled TypeScript sample
guess reason for OpenAddresses failure
Socrata HTTP Gripes
Python wrapper for openaddresses-conform
Engine Light status endpoint script for www.codeforamerica.org
Scripts used in the creation of the new Code for America website.
Brigades JSON (minimal)
Census Places
Queries to convert TIGER edges data to labeled address ranges. See: http://mike.teczno.com/img/tiger-ranges.png
/etc/network/interfaces for guest and host Linux servers, based on LXC guide at http://teczno.com/s/bhh.
Store sparse bundle disk images as a series of 24 bit losslessly-encoded PNG images. Let Flickr’s 1TB of storage hold them for you.
Reduce floating point precision of WKB geometries for better zlib compression.
GL-Solar, Rainbow Road edition
Transform function for Shapely.
GL-Solar, false-color edition
WebGL GeoJSON tile rendering II
WebGL GeoJSON tile rendering
I Miss GetLatLon.com
Interactive demo of https://github.com/migurski/d3map/tree/e42c04d5
Public view of https://github.com/migurski/d3map/tree/55ad4a4a
Dissolve small & residential roads into urban areas.
Small example showing D3 data with and without a key function. D3 takes a second argument to the data() method, a function that returns a join key for each data element passed in. Without this, it assumes that the array index and not the array element are important. I had been passing in three-element arrays, and D3 assumed that I was updating array values in-place rather than attempting to introduce new ones. This example shows D3's set behavior with and without the use of a key function. The visible results are the same in both cases, but the second one (by value) adds and removes many more div elements than the first (by index). The first version might be used to update the heights of bars in a bar chart in-place, while the second might be used to animate the addition and removal of bars.
Script to generate CONUS raster of various OSM metrics connected to TIGER extent. Counties2012 table is in spherical Albers projection: `+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +nadgrids=@null +units=m +no_defs`
Sample datasource for remote tiled data in Mapnik.
Skeletron Dumper and Cutter of Routes
Sketch for topological simplification of national hydrology dataset
OSM Route Relation Refiner, see also data at http://teczno.com/s/c4c
Merge multiple GeoJSON files into one
Adaptation of Nicolas P. Rougier’s Gray-Scott implementation with the Glumpy dependencies removed
Two scripts for creating heatmap of OSM data size, e.g. https://tiles.mapbox.com/migurski/map/osmsize
RemoteFileObject is a simple mapping from HTTP Range headers to a local file-like object
Image Queue
Lambert Conformal Conic implementation with US-specific transformation
Gunicorn Slayer
Lambert projection for Modest Maps
Polygonize a bag of lines