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Modern Lib. 100 — Final

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<h1>Modern Library's<br>100 Best Novels and Authors</h1>
<p class="about">In 1998, the Modern Library, an American Publishing house, published a list of the 100 best novels of the twentieth century. In 2013, Accurat visualized the creative output of the authors of these novels. The below graphic visualizes this same data, including information about the author's origin, lifespan, and creative output, as well the name, year, and author's age for each novel on the list.</p>
<div class="legendContainer">
	<h3 class="w180">Author</h3>
	<h3 class="w600">Timeline</h3>
	<h3 class="w180">Works, Chronological Order</h3>
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73	The Day of the Locust	Nathanael West	1903	1940	37	north america	united states	new york	male	1939	36	1931	28	157	39626	0
88	The Call of the Wild	Jack London	1876	1916	40	north america	united states	san francisco	male	1903	27	1900	24	1027	263001	0
2	The Great Gatsby	F. Scott Fitzgerald	1896	1940	44	north america	united states	Saint Paul	male	1925	29	1920	24	3226	4327393	0
28	Tender Is the Night	F. Scott Fitzgerald	1896	1940	44	north america	united states	Saint Paul	male	1934	38	1920	24	179	143146	9
9	Sons and Lovers	D. H. Lawrence	1885	1930	45	europe	United Kingdom	eastwood	male	1913	28	1911	26	155	116782	0
48	The Rainbow	D. H. Lawrence	1885	1930	45	europe	United Kingdom	eastwood	male	1915	30	1911	26	72	43055	2
49	Women in Love	D. H. Lawrence	1885	1930	45	europe	United Kingdom	eastwood	male	1920	35	1911	26	142	80018	5
31	Animal Farm	George Orwell	1903	1950	47	asia	india	motihari	male	1945	42	1934	31	3170	1130155	0
13	1984 (Nineteen Eighty-Four)	George Orwell	1903	1950	47	asia	india	motihari	male	1949	46	1934	31	3942	1539741	4
55	On the Road	Jack Kerouac	1922	1969	47	north america	united states	lowell (massachussetts)	male	1957	35	1950	28	714	929722	0
11	Under the Volcano	Malcolm Lowry	1909	1957	48	europe	United Kingdom	"Birkenhead, Cheshire"	male	1947	38	1933	24	152	44675	0
17	The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter	Carson McCullers	1917	1967	50	north america	united states	columbus (georgia)	female	1940	23	1940	23	161	82164	0
20	Native Son	Richard Wright 	1908	1960	52	north america	united states	roxie (mississippi)	male	1940	32	1940	32	378	107566	0
62	From Here to Eternity	James Jones	1921	1977	56	north america	united states	robinson (illinois)	male	1951	30	1951	30	84	19197	12
3	A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man	James Joyce	1882	1941	59	europe	ireland	dublin	male	1916	34	1916	34	293	170027	0
1	Ulysses	James Joyce	1882	1941	59	europe	ireland	dublin	male	1922	40	1916	34	1032	654691	6
77	Finnegans Wake	James Joyce	1882	1941	59	europe	ireland	dublin	male	1939	57	1916	34	625	265910	17
15	To the Lighthouse	Virginia Woolf	1882	1941	59	europe	United Kingdom	london	female	1927	45	1915	33	220	126858	0
45	The Sun Also Rises	Ernest Hemingway	1899	1961	62	north america	united states	oak park	male	1926	27	1926	27	571	378145	0
74	A Farewell to Arms	Ernest Hemingway	1899	1961	62	north america	united states	oak park	male	1929	30	1926	27	505	299394	3
34	A Handful of Dust	Evelyn Waugh	1903	1966	63	europe	united kingdom	london	male	1934	31	1928	25	93	44141	0
75	Scoop	Evelyn Waugh	1903	1966	63	europe	united kingdom	london	male	1938	35	1928	25	104	20959	4
80	Brideshead Revisited	Evelyn Waugh	1903	1966	63	europe	united kingdom	london	male	1945	42	1928	25	491	213596	7
39	Go Tell It on the Mountain	James Baldwin	1924	1987	63	north america	united states	new york	male	1953	29	1953	29	151	51855	0
87	The Old Wives' Tale	Arnold Bennett	1867	1931	64	europe	United Kingdom	hanley	male	1908	41	1898	31	41	6598	0
22	Appointment in Samarra	John O'Hara	1905	1970	65	north america	united states	princeton (new jersey)	male	1934	29	1934	29	85	35923	0
24	"Winesburg, Ohio"	Sherwood Anderson	1876	1941	65	north america	united states	Camden (Ohio)	male	1919	43	1916	40	136	49663	0
6	The Sound and the Fury	William Faulkner	1897	1962	65	north america	united states	new albany (mississippi)	male	1929	32	1926	29	480	27036	0
35	As I Lay Dying	William Faulkner	1897	1962	65	north america	united states	new albany (mississippi)	male	1930	33	1926	29	520	213521	1
54	Light in August	William Faulkner	1897	1962	65	north america	united states	new albany (mississippi)	male	1932	35	1926	29	184	58120	2
30	The Good Soldier	Ford Madox Ford	1873	1939	66	europe	United Kingdom	merton	male	1915	42	1892	19	93	46876	0
57	Parade's End	Ford Madox Ford	1873	1939	66	europe	United Kingdom	merton	male	1950	77	1892	19	86	199394	35
10	The Grapes of Wrath	John Steinbeck	1902	1968	66	north america	united states	salinas (california)	male	1939	37	1929	27	1301	567963	0
90	Midnight's Children	Salman Rushdie 	1947	2013	66	asia	india	bombay	male	1981	34	1975	28	315	433305	0
68	Main Street	Sinclair Lewis	1885	1951	66	north america	united states	sauk centre	male	1920	35	1914	29	99	27965	0
56	The Maltese Falcon	Dashiell Hammett	1894	1961	67	north america	united states	saint mary's county	male	1930	36	1929	35	314	72049	0
85	Lord Jim	Joseph Conrad	1857	1924	67	europe	Ukraine	berdychiv	male	1900	43	1895	38	186	66000	0
67	Heart of Darkness	Joseph Conrad	1857	1924	67	europe	russia	berdychiv	male	1902	45	1895	38	1200	739884	2
47	Nostromo	Joseph Conrad	1857	1924	67	europe	Ukraine	berdychiv	male	1904	47	1895	38	175	89046	2
46	The Secret Agent	Joseph Conrad	1857	1924	67	europe	Ukraine	berdychiv	male	1907	50	1895	38	211	65583	3
12	The Way of All Flesh	Samuel Butler	1835	1902	67	europe	United Kingdom	langar rectory	male	1903	68	1872	37	104	25511	0
89	Loving	Henry Green	1905	1973	68	europe	United Kingdom	tewkesbury	male	1945	40	1926	21	70	9168	0
44	Point Counter Point	Aldous Huxley	1894	1963	69	europe	United Kingdom	godalming	male	1928	34	1921	27	111	24050	0
5	Brave New World	Aldous Huxley	1894	1963	69	europe	United Kingdom	godalming	male	1932	38	1921	27	2335	909298	4
63	The Wapshot Chronicle	John Cheever	1912	1982	70	north america	united states	quincy (massachussetts)	male	1957	45	1957	45	36	6951	0
78	Kim	Rudyard Kipling	1865	1936	71	asia	india	bombay	male	1901	36	1891	26	306	81718	0
26	The Wings of the Dove	Henry James	1843	1916	73	north america	united states	new york	male	1902	59	1875	32	78	37349	0
27	The Ambassadors	Henry James	1843	1916	73	north america	united states	new york	male	1903	60	1875	32	87	24368	1
32	The Golden Bowl	Henry James	1843	1916	73	north america	united states	new york	male	1904	61	1875	32	88	30993	1
84	The Death of the Heart	Elizabeth Bowen	1899	1973	74	europe	ireland	dublin	female	1938	39	1927	28	46	9675	0
42	Deliverance	James Dickey	1923	1997	74	north america	united states	atlanta (georgia)	male	1970	47	1970	47	97	25503	0
23	U.S.A. trilogy	John Dos Passos	1896	1970	74	north america	united states	chicago	male	1936	40	1920	24	103	31303	0
33	Sister Carrie	Theodore Dreiser	1871	1945	74	north america	united states	terre haute (indiana)	male	1900	29	1900	29	116	57426	0
16	An American Tragedy	Theodore Dreiser	1871	1945	74	north america	united states	terre haute (indiana)	male	1925	54	1900	29	178	58360	25
60	The Moviegoer	Walker Percy 	1916	1990	74	north america	united states	"birmingham, alabama"	male	1961	45	1961	45	64	33838	0
61	Death Comes for the Archbishop	Willa Cather	1873	1947	74	north america	united states	gore (virginia)	female	1927	54	1912	39	79	20693	0
69	The House of Mirth	Edith Wharton	1862	1937	75	north america	united states	new york	female	1905	43	1902	40	191	73495	0
58	The Age of Innocence	Edith Wharton	1862	1937	75	north america	united states	new york	female	1920	58	1902	40	262	169068	15
29	The Studs Lonigan Trilogy	James T. Farrell	1904	1979	75	north america	united states	chicago	male	1935	31	1932	28	71	11572	0
65	A Clockwork Orange	Anthony Burgess	1917	1993	76	europe	United Kingdom	Manchester	male	1962	45	1956	39	1903	664310	0
7	Catch-22	Joseph Heller	1923	1999	76	north america	united states	new york	male	1961	38	1961	38	999	559705	0
71	A High Wind in Jamaica	Richard Hughes	1900	1976	76	europe	United Kingdom	weybridge	male	1929	29	1929	29	84	11200	0
100	The Magnificent Ambersons	Booth Tarkington	1869	1946	77	north america	united states	indianapolis	male	1918	49	1899	30	84	19664	0
8	Darkness at Noon	Arthur Koestler	1905	1983	78	europe	austria-hungary	budapest	male	1940	35	1939	34	207	84295	0
70	The Alexandria Quartet	Lawrence Durrell	1912	1990	78	asia	india	jalandar	male	1960	48	1935	23	90	24754	0
37	The Bridge of San Luis Rey	Thornton Wilder 	1897	1975	78	north america	united states	hamden (connecticut)	male	1927	30	1926	29	176	53040	0
4	Lolita	Vladimir Nabokov	1899	1977	78	asia	russia	st. petersburg	male	1955	56	1926	27	1342	1018117	0
53	Pale Fire	Vladimir Nabokov	1899	1977	78	asia	russia	st. petersburg	male	1962	63	1926	27	183	76356	7
93	The Magus	John Fowles	1926	2005	79	europe	United Kingdom	leigh-on-sea	male	1965	39	1963	37	138	54578	0
95	Under the Net	Iris Murdoch	1919	1999	80	europe	ireland	dublin	female	1954	35	1954	35	43	16131	0
52	Portnoy's Complaint	Philip Roth	1933	2013	80	north america	united states	newark (new jersey)	male	1969	36	1959	26	153	95158	0
19	Invisible Man	Ralph Ellison	1914	1994	80	north america	united states	oklahoma city	male	1952	38	1952	38	531	243591	0
72	A House for Mr. Biswas	V. S. Naipaul	1932	2013	81	south america	trinidad and tobago	trinidad	male	1961	29	1957	25	1	2450	0
83	A Bend in the River	V. S. Naipaul	1932	2013	81	south america	trinidad and tobago	trinidad	male	1979	47	1957	25	73	31447	18
96	Sophie's Choice	William Styron	1925	2006	81	north america	united states	newport news (virginia)	male	1979	54	1951	26	197	114981	0
86	Ragtime	E. L. Doctorow	1931	2013	82	north america	united states	new york	male	1975	44	1960	29	145	55885	0
41	Lord of the Flies	William Golding	1911	1993	82	europe	United Kingdom	newquay	male	1954	43	1954	43	3243	900501	0
91	Tobacco Road	Erskine Caldwell	1903	1987	84	north america	united states	Coweta County	male	1932	29	1929	26	87	18762	0
59	Zuleika Dobson	Max Beerbohm	1872	1956	84	europe	United Kingdom	london	male	1911	39	1911	39	64	12766	0
51	The Naked and the Dead	Norman Mailer	1923	2007	84	north america	united states	Long Branch (New Jersey)	male	1948	25	1948	25	124	43506	0
36	All the King's Men	Robert Penn Warren	1905	1989	84	north america	united states	Madison (Wisconsin)	male	1946	41	1939	34	295	129388	0
82	Angle of Repose	Wallace Stegner	1909	1993	84	north america	united states	lake mills (iowa)	male	1971	62	1937	28	82	22714	0
98	The Postman Always Rings Twice	James M. Cain	1892	1977	85	north america	united states	annapolis (maryland)	male	1934	42	1934	42	148	15935	0
18	Slaughterhouse-Five	Kurt Vonnegut 	1922	2007	85	north america	united states	indianapolis	male	1969	47	1952	30	1169	467964	0
92	Ironweed	William Kennedy	1928	2013	85	north america	united states	Albany (NY)	male	1983	55	1969	41	78	4535	0
40	The Heart of the Matter	Graham Greene	1904	1991	87	europe	United Kingdom	berkhamsted	male	1948	44	1929	25	188	46658	0
99	The Ginger Man	J. P. Donleavy	1926	2013	87	north america	united states	new york	male	1955	29	1955	29	82	25414	0
76	The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie	Muriel Spark	1918	2006	88	europe	United Kingdom	edinburgh	female	1961	43	1957	39	208	56395	0
50	Tropic of Cancer	Henry Miller	1891	1980	89	north america	united states	new york	male	1934	43	1927	36	234	138589	0
94	Wide Sargasso Sea	Jean Rhys	1890	1979	89	south america	dominica	roseau	female	1966	76	1928	38	204	119359	0
97	The Sheltering Sky	Paul Bowles	1910	1999	89	north america	united states	new york	male	1949	39	1949	39	134	39443	0
14	"I, Claudius"	Robert Graves	1895	1985	90	europe	United Kingdom	london	male	1934	39	1925	30	319	91637	0
81	The Adventures of Augie March	Saul Bellow	1915	2005	90	north america	Canada	Lachine (Quebec)	male	1953	38	1944	29	76	31432	0
21	Henderson the Rain King	Saul Bellow	1915	2005	90	north america	Canada	Lachine (Quebec)	male	1959	44	1944	29	90	22399	6
38	Howards End	E. M. Forster	1879	1970	91	europe	United Kingdom	london	male	1910	31	1905	26	120	80119	2
25	A Passage to India	E. M. Forster	1879	1970	91	europe	United Kingdom	london	male	1924	45	1905	26	226	139634	14
79	A Room with a View	E. M. Forster	1879	1970	91	europe	United Kingdom	london	male	1908	29	1905	26	253	125457	0
64	The Catcher in the Rye	J. D. Salinger	1919	2010	91	north america	united states	new york	male	1951	32	1951	32	4037	1191849	0
66	Of Human Bondage	W. Somerset Maugham	1874	1965	91	europe	france	paris	male	1915	41	1897	23	189	96953	0
43	A Dance to the Music of Time	Anthony Powell	1905	2000	95	europe	United Kingdom	london	male	1975	70	1931	26	123	49812	0