A random sample of 100 infant deaths from 2009 colored by infant’s sex.
This is a work in progress.
See 2009 Cohort Linked Birth/Infant Death Data Set Guide (pdf).
Source: National Bureau of Economic Research
forked from syntagmatic‘s block: Infant Deaths
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Infant Death</title>
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11: "Not stated"
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7: "Jul",
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12: "Dec"
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1: "0-8 years",
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3: "12 years",
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if (d = 98) return "98+ lbs";
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axis: d3.svg.axis().orient("left")
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0: "Non-smoker",
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5: "41+",
6: "Unknown"
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1: "Yes",
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1: "Yes",
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key: "gestrec10",
description: "Gestation (weeks)",
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axis: d3.svg.axis().orient("left")
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return {
1: "Under 20",
2: "20-27",
3: "28-31",
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5: "34-36",
6: "37-38",
7: "39",
8: "40",
9: "41",
10: "42+",
99: "Unknown"
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// TODO - this line only works because the data encodes data with integers
// Sorting/comparing should be defined at the type/dimension level
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return a - b;
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// Handles a brush event, toggling the display of foreground lines.
function brush() {
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})) {
return null;
return "none";