Playing around with Boids-style flocking. Click to add more, coloring by movement colors each boid by a moving average of its acceleration magnitude.
See also: Particle tentacles
More boids:
boids by Hugh Kennedy
boids-canvas by Mike Christensen
boids demo by Anoop Elias
flocking in Processing by Daniel Shiffman
forked from veltman‘s block: Flocking boids
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<canvas width="960" height="500"></canvas>
<canvas width="960" height="500" class="offscreen" style="display: none;"></canvas>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="vec2.js"></script>
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"),
context = canvas.getContext("2d"),
offscreen = document.querySelector(".offscreen"),
offscreenContext = offscreen.getContext("2d"),
gui = new dat.GUI();
var width = 960,
height = 500,
numBoids = 300,
flockmateRadius = 60,
separationDistance = 30,
maxVelocity = 2,
separationForce = 0.03,
alignmentForce = 0.03,
cohesionForce = 0.03,
startingPosition = "Random",
coloring = "By Movement",
offscreenContext.globalAlpha = 0.85;
gui.add(window, "flockmateRadius", 0, 500).step(1);
gui.add(window, "separationDistance", 0, 100).step(1);
gui.add(window, "maxVelocity", 0, 5).step(0.25);
gui.add(window, "cohesionForce", 0, 0.25);
gui.add(window, "alignmentForce", 0, 0.25);
gui.add(window, "separationForce", 0, 0.25);
gui.add(window, "numBoids", 1, 600).step(1).onChange(restart);
gui.add(window, "startingPosition", ["Random", "CircleIn", "CircleRandom", "Sine", "Phyllotaxis"]).onChange(restart);
gui.add(window, "coloring", ["Rainbow", "By Movement"]);
gui.add(window, "restart");"canvas").on("click", function(){
var xy = d3.mouse(this);
color: d3.interpolateRainbow((boids.length / 10) % 1),
position: new Vec2(xy[0], xy[1]),
velocity: randomVelocity(),
last: []
function tick() {
offscreenContext.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
offscreenContext.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, width, height);
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
context.drawImage(offscreen, 0, 0, width, height);
var forces = {
alignment: new Vec2(),
cohesion: new Vec2(),
separation: new Vec2()
b.acceleration = new Vec2();
if (b === b2) return;
var diff = b2.position.clone().subtract(b.position),
distance = diff.length();
if (distance && distance < separationDistance) {
forces.separation.add(diff.clone().scaleTo(-1 / distance)).active = true;
if (distance < flockmateRadius) {
forces.cohesion.add(diff).active = true;
forces.alignment.add(b2.velocity).active = true;
for (var key in forces) {
if (forces[key].active) {
.truncate(window[key + "Force"]);
if (coloring === "By Movement") {
b.last.push(b.acceleration.length() / (alignmentForce + cohesionForce + separationForce));
if (b.last.length > 20) {
function updateBoid(b) {
if (b.position.y > height) {
b.position.y -= height;
} else if (b.position.y < 0) {
b.position.y += height;
if (b.position.x > width) {
b.position.x -= width;
} else if (b.position.x < 0) {
b.position.x += width;
if (coloring === "Rainbow") {
context.fillStyle = b.color;
} else {
context.fillStyle = d3.interpolateWarm(d3.mean(b.last));
context.arc(b.position.x, b.position.y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
function initializeRandom() {
return d3.range(numBoids).map(function(d, i){
return {
position: new Vec2(Math.random() * width, Math.random() * height),
velocity: randomVelocity()
function initializePhyllotaxis() {
return d3.range(numBoids).map(function(d, i){
var θ = Math.PI * i * (Math.sqrt(5) - 1),
r = Math.sqrt(i) * 200 / Math.sqrt(numBoids);
return {
position: new Vec2(width / 2 + r * Math.cos(θ),height / 2 - r * Math.sin(θ)),
velocity: radialVelocity(i / numBoids)
function initializeSine() {
return d3.range(numBoids).map(function(i){
var angle = 2 * Math.PI * i / numBoids,
x = width * i / numBoids,
y = height / 2 + Math.sin(angle) * height / 4;
return {
position: new Vec2(x, y),
velocity: radialVelocity(i / numBoids)
function initializeCircleIn() {
return d3.range(numBoids).map(function(i){
var angle = i * 2 * Math.PI / numBoids,
x = 200 * Math.sin(angle),
y = 200 * Math.cos(angle);
return {
position: new Vec2(x + width / 2, y + height / 2),
velocity: new Vec2(-x, -y).scale(maxVelocity)
function initializeCircleRandom() {
return d3.range(numBoids).map(function(i){
var angle = i * 2 * Math.PI / numBoids,
x = 200 * Math.sin(angle),
y = 200 * Math.cos(angle);
return {
position: new Vec2(x + width / 2, y + height / 2),
velocity: randomVelocity().scale(maxVelocity)
function randomVelocity() {
return new Vec2(1 - Math.random() * 2, 1 - Math.random() * 2).scale(maxVelocity);
function radialVelocity(p) {
return new Vec2(Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * p), Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * p)).scale(maxVelocity);
function restart() {
offscreenContext.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
boids = window["initialize" + startingPosition]();
boids.forEach(function(b, i){
b.color = d3.interpolateRainbow(i / numBoids);
b.last = [];
function Vec2(x, y) {
this.x = x || 0;
this.y = y || 0;
this.count = 0;
return this;
Vec2.prototype.add = function(v) {
this.x += v.x;
this.y += v.y;
return this;
Vec2.prototype.subtract = function(v) {
this.x -= v.x;
this.y -= v.y;
return this;
Vec2.prototype.scale = function(s) {
this.x = this.x * s;
this.y = this.y * s;
return this;
Vec2.prototype.scaleTo = function(s) {
var length = this.length();
this.x = this.x * s / length;
this.y = this.y * s / length;
return this;
Vec2.prototype.normalize = function() {
var length = this.length();
this.x = this.x / length;
this.y = this.y / length;
return this;
Vec2.prototype.length = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
Vec2.prototype.truncate = function(max) {
var length = this.length();
if (length > max) {
this.x = this.x * max / length;
this.y = this.y * max / length;
return this;
}; = function(v) {
return this.x * v.x + this.y * v.y;
Vec2.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Vec2(this.x, this.y);