block by renecnielsen ab4a38e90ccef20574df

Issue Breakdown

Full Screen

A refactored version of Sara Quigley’s Issue Breakdown as a simple example of a Sankey diagram

forked from syntagmatic‘s block: Issue Breakdown


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<title>Issue Breakdown</title>
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    "nodes": [{"name": "Where is my aid?","category": "myAidIsQuestion"},
{"name": "How much aid am I getting?","category": "myAidIsQuestion"},
{"name": "Why am I not getting more aid?","category": "myAidIsQuestion"},
{"name": "Did my payment go through?","category": "lookingAtMyAccount"},
{"name": "What does T40SFLKOUTSIDE NP SPONSOR1/SP mean?","category": "whatDoesThisMean"},
{"name": "Why do I owe $190 for housing? ","category": "lookingAtMyAccount"},
{"name": "What makes up this large fee amount?","category": "whatDoesThisMean"},
{"name": "How much do I actually owe?","category": "lookingAtMyAccount"},
{"name": "What's the breakdown of my current balance?","category": "whatDoesThisMean"},
{"name": "BearFacts says X, MyFinAid says Y. Which is correct?","category": "lookingAtMyAccount"},
{"name": "Am I registered? Can I enroll in classes?","category": "lookingAtMyAccount"},
{"name": "I need a Financial Aid verification letter","category": "iAmTryingToDoSomething"},
{"name": "Stu is expecting cash","category": "expectingActivity"},
{"name": "Stu has an academic block","category": "blocked"},
{"name": "Stu has an administrative block","category": "blocked"},
{"name": "Stu has a financial block","category": "blocked"},
{"name": "Stu's aid package just changed","category": "whatsHappening"},
{"name": "Stu's aid eligibility  changed","category": "whatsHappening"},
{"name": "Stu's aid withheld; missing documentation","category": "expectingActivity"},
{"name": "Stu's aid withheld; aid will pay past charges","category": "whatsHappening"},
{"name": "Stu expects to see a fee remission on account","category": "expectingActivity"},
{"name": "Stu's account has 2 competing awards","category": "whatsHappening"},
{"name": "Stu submitted online payment via Sallie Mae","category": "whatsHappening"},
{"name": "Stu is viewing account","category": "whatsHappening"},
{"name": "3rd party requires Financial Aid eligibility proof","category": "makingARequest"},
{"name": "Awards are not dibursed daily (SuTuTh)","category": "whatsProblematic"},
{"name": "Stus aren't receiving notifications","category": "whatsProblematic"},
{"name": "Stus can't view upcoming refunds","category": "whatsMissing"},
{"name": "Stus can't see previous aid packages","category": "whatsMissing"},
{"name": "Awards paid late in term --> confusing transactions","category": "whatsConfusing"},
{"name": "Confusing to track one's aid & budget/plan ","category": "whatsConfusing"},
{"name": "Confusing to see how awards are applied to charges","category": "whatsConfusing"},
{"name": "Multi-system data flow leads to delays","category": "whatsProblematic"},
{"name": "Competing grad awards result in confusing transactions","category": "whatsConfusing"},
{"name": "Transaction descriptions are cryptic","category": "whatsBaffling"},
{"name": "Stus see aggregated transaction amounts","category": "whatsMissing"},
{"name": "Transaction details are scattered in time & space","category": "whatsConfusing"},
{"name": "Future-due charges are included in account balance","category": "whatsConfusing"},
{"name": "Systems are often a day behind each other","category": "whatsMissing"},
{"name": "Imperfect CARS <--> BearFacts interface","category": "whatsProblematic"},
{"name": "Imperfect GLOW <--> MyFinAid interface","category": "whatsProblematic"},
{"name": "Confusing to know how to release one's block ","category": "whatsBaffling"},
{"name": "Incomplete messaging around Reg status","category": "whatsBaffling"},
{"name": "BearFacts refund data is incomplete","category": "whatsMissing"},
{"name": "Stus request verification letter in-person","category": "whatsProblematic"},
{"name": "No systematic way to release aid despite financial block","category": "whatsProblematic"},
{"name": "Pay awards daily from ProSAM --> CARS","category": "Tech"},
{"name": "Display aid packaging history to students","category": "Tech"},
{"name": "Revise and streamine messaging to students","category": "Design"},
{"name": "Display aid amounts and status wrt budget","category": "Design"},
{"name": "Display how aid/payments were applied to charges/fees","category": "Design"},
{"name": "Improve unapplieds process in CARS","category": "Process"},
{"name": "Clearly indicate pending payments to account balance","category": "Design "},
{"name": "Display clear & descriptive transactions to Students","category": "Design"},
{"name": "Pay all aid to Student AR via a central packaging engine","category": "Process"},
{"name": "Standardize award entry processes & nomenclature","category": "Process"},
{"name": "Display timely Stu account activity detail in one place","category": "Tech"},
{"name": "Display future-dated dept awards to students","category": "Process"},
{"name": "Hide the BearFacts Awards screen","category": "Tech"},
{"name": "Display refund data for prior terms","category": "Tech"},
{"name": "Provide self-service FinAid Verification letter generation","category": "Process"},
{"name": "Reduce the number of interfaces in the data flow","category": "Tech"},
{"name": "Clearly distinguish btw future & current charges","category": "Design"},
{"name": "Release hold due to financial block for select students","category": "Tech"},
{"name": "Display future refunds to Students","category": "Design"},
{"name": "Process","category": "businessProcess"},
{"name": "Design","category": "uiDesign"},
{"name": "Tech","category": "sysInfrastructure"}
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