blocks by jwilber


fresh block

fresh block

histogram (no svg)

interpolated line-chart with legend

roughViz StackedBar Demo

roughViz Donut Demo

roughViz Bar Demo

roughViz BarH Demo

roughViz Pie Demo

roughViz Pie Demo

roughViz Scatter Demo

roughViz Line Demo

roughViz Readme Image

roughViz Readme Image

roughViz roughness examples

roughViz fillStyles

roughViz roughness examples

line dual hover

v5 line tooltip

v5 line tooltip


fresh block


fresh block

fresh block

fresh block

roughCharts.js logo

basic pie

xkcd line chart

xkcd line chart

rough line v5

D3 v5 Line Chart

d3v5 pie

d3v5 pie

rough circles

rough circles

fresh block


skater force-directed network diagram

reusable joyplot

es6 class

basic density plot

basic joy plot

basic joy plot

Bars transitioning over text

circle pack hover highlight

apply force to existing nodes

pack enter-exit-update

fresh block

apply pack layout to existing nodes

apply pack layout to existing nodes

D3 : Random Number Generation - Column Chart

Dot plot histogram event-trigger

dot/circle normal distribution

simple scatter plot d3v4

simple scatter plot d3v4

scatter-plot as distribution

force-to-histogram transition

d3v4 force add new nodes

two force layouts, one (same) svg

two force layouts, one (same) svg

reusable tree

reusable bar: bostock style

reusable barchart: bostock style

basic reusable bar chart

basic reusable bar chart

simple treemap flat data

multiple waffles

circle pack hover highlight

streamgraph d3ia

streamgraph d3ia

streamgraph d3ia


reusable scatter es6 class


fresh block

reusable scatterplot (es6 class)

flubber rect demo

thailand map

(Radial) bar chart

basic waffle chart

Voronoi Sorting

Sorting the Grid

Vertical Grid Lines

collision hover

joyplot (unknown pleasures)

genre: horizontal-line chart

d3 flexbox table

roughjs force diagram (click to move)

b-spline least squares

interpolated line-chart with legend

roughjs circle from path

d3-force node move example

Basic React Counter App

one hundred people

force-directed distribution

circle pack hover highlight

force multiple centers

force drop-down histogram

force-directed network diagram

force-directed beeswarm plot

force basic dot plot

arc diagram

adjacency matrix

roughjs + d3-annotation

d3-annotation Play

d3-annotation: Thresholds & Annotation Colors



roughjs square

simple histogram layout

stacked area chart

interpolated line-chart with legend

simple line chart with legend



random blocks
