blocks by dribnet


Creative Coding 2: Project 1_Clock

hacky stablediffusion code for generating videos

p5 svg examples

the argument

2021 MDDN 342 Runner

p5js dress

MDDN 342 2021 Assignment 3: Data Mappings


MDDN 342 2021 Assignment 2: Parameterised Space

Substrate by Jared Tarbell (2003)

MDDN 342 2021 Assignment 1: Random Faces

pulsar pleasures

2021 MDDN341 Assignment 1: Time-based Media

Interactive Facemap Prototype

2020 MDDN342 Assignment 3: Face Mappings

new face mapping assignment prototype

Face Mapping Prototype

2020 MDDN342 Assignment 2: Randomised Collections

2020 MDDN342 Assignment 1: Living Wallpaper

2020 MDDN242 Assignment 1: Software Clock

MDDN342 Assignment 3: Face Mappings

MDDN342 Assignment 3: Face Mappings

MDDN342 Assignment 2: Randomised Collections

MDDN342 Assignment 1: Living Wallpaper

MDDN242 Assignment 4: Custom Pixel

MDDN242 Assignment 3: Glyph

MDDN242 Assignment 2: Alphabet

PS1 MDDN 242 2019

PS4 MDDN 342 2018

17.2.MDDN342 PS4

squares, turning

crosses / squares

hexagon ripple

PS3 MDDN 342 2018

PS2 MDDN 342 2018

PS2 MDDN 342 2018

PS1 MDDN 342 2018

PS4 MDDN 242 2018

Updates Available

Kitaoka's blue tilt

p5.js starter sketch

MDDN242 Assignment 3: Glyph

updated PS2

MDDN242 Assignment 2: Alphabet

CC2 Assignment 1: Clock

MDDN 242 Assignment 1: Clock

Powers of 10 PRINT

17.2.MDDN342 PS4

k-hot encoding (like 1-hot, but with k active bits)

17.2.MDDN342 PS3

17.2 MDDN 441 PS2

Image Exercise MDDN 441 2017

ImageMagick + ffmpeg exercise

17.2.MDDN342 PS2

17.2 MDDN441 PS2

17.2 MDDN441 PS1


NLP Example

Understanding word vectors: A tutorial for "Reading and Writing Electronic Text," a class I teach at ITP. (Python 2.7)

Tracery + Data Example jupyter notebook

NLP Concepts with spaCy

Chernoff Faces in Python with Matplotlib

Quick intro to CSVs

Tracery and Python

17.2.MDDN342 PS1

sewn by Jared Schiffman (1998)

vibrator smartgrid (novelty filter)

17.1.MDDN242 PS4

17.1.MDDN242 PS3

sketch-rnn experiment

MNIST clock

MNIST p5.js experiment

17.1.MDDN242 PS2

17.1.MDDN242 PS1

all possible endings

Branched Random Walks

handwriting experiment 1

RNN Tutorial for Artists

hello p5js (p5js template)

PAPER: Parametric Alphabet

MDDN 342 Final Project

PS1 MDDN 342 2016

Glyph Poster Hack

Online Chatbox

Marble Bot

MDDN 342 Final Project

Dimensional Glyph

PS3 MDDN 342 2016

p5.js objects (and arrays)

p5.js functions

confetti characters

Parametric Faces

example p5.js sketch

p5.js sketch with history

p5.js hello world

Get memory usage of CUDA GPU, using ctypes and libcudart

p5.js sketch

experimental async boids with controls


boids skeleton

blade / mapbox

wheelbarrow / rickshaw


strokes issue #8

lennyjpg's Hi



strokes - General Update Pattern, III

strokes - General Update Pattern, II

strokes - General Update Pattern, I


strokes: simple venn diagram

strokes: voronoi clipping

strokes: rotating voronoi

strokes: circle packing

underscore / d3 / clojurescript rosetta stone

Prose-only Blocks (polyglot)

strokes version of quadtree

Init bugfix of 4343214

clojurescript convex hull using d3+strokes




MatthewMueller's array working with leaflet.js

blade: leaflet in cljs


clojurescript silly radial clock

silly radial clock

d3 template

Clojure ant sim from Rich Hickey