blocks by maptastik



A quick method for writing out some rows and a subset of columns from a feature class to a CSV. This is particularly well-suited for when you're working in ArcGIS Desktop or Pro and need to quickly export some rows and a subset of columns from a vect

An example of an ETL script that allows you to query a remote spatial data source and join the query result with a CSV. For now, this requires csvs-to-sqlite as ogr2ogr doesn't seem to like working with CSVs with the SQLite dialect for SQL queries. O

EBPA sample routes for a single census block

Sample Citrix Cycle route data








Plotting data-driven proportional symbol markers with geopandas


Using geopandas to find line intersection points within a dataset

Creating and working with multiple geometry columns in a single GeoDataFrame









JavaScript functions for fading layers using various map APIs




Function that takes a list of shapefiles and adds them to a File Geodatabase

Function that takes a directory as a parameter and returns a list of shapefiles. Although this doesn't explicitly involve arcpy, this function could be used for automating an action on all shapefiles in a directory using arcpy. That said, it could be

List all of a features fields and values in a popup in Leaflet

Consolidate multiple Polygon and MultiPolygon feature geometries into a single MultiPolygon geometry array

Sometimes you just need the point coordinates for all the points in a GeoJSON. This function pulls them into an array.

Iterate through polygon geojson and find number of points in each

This function takes an input GeoJSON dataset and creates a generates a hex grid from the bounding box of that layer.

osmnx test on parks in Lenox, MA

MAP671, Lab 2 Challenge: Indiana state boundary

Lenox Parks Dummy Data


Arcade expressions for deriving WGS84 decimal degree coordinates

Wix Leaflet Embed Test

Downtown Ralegh boundary pulled from

Location of constructed, registered cell towers in Raleigh according to the FCC as of 7/13/2018


Raleigh parks in TopoJSON format. Data from March 2018

Modified from to work with ArcGIS Pro's Python 3 installation

Raleigh park Level of Service access points from March 2018. Not up to date, but potentially useful for testing purposes.

Mostly this is an example of what ESRI JSON looks like. It is useful for comparing to GeoJSON and for testing how to pull data from this format into PostGIS or geopandas.

Esri-Leaflet Nearest Raleigh Park example

Create a random sample from a dataset based on OBJECTID...not perfect, but a good start!

A single GPS track of a cycling trip as GeoJSON

ArcGIS Pro map template.


Import data into PostGIS with ogr2ogr#

A collection of useful SQL queries

Search, select, and generate a pandas DataFrame from a Feature Layer Collection on ArcGIS Online.

Notes from DataCamp's "Intro to SQL for Data Science" course

A little function for use in ArcGIS to determine in a very particular case if a field is a 0 or a null. Turns null into -1 because shapefiles don't do null values. This is poorly documented...grr.

A notebook to demonstrate how to use pandas and geopy to geocode a CSV of summer camp locations

Troubleshooting converting a CARTO table to GeoJSON using ogr2ogr. Ultimately it does not seem I figured this out.

Remote GeoJSON to GDF example

Pull GeoJSON from the toobz and create a GeoDataFrame

Generate basic summary statistics for a field in a feature class using ArcPy

RLT 3D in Mapbox GL JS

A very few Lenox, MA points of interest

GeoJSON of Schafer Tower at Ball State University

10-minute walk isochrones for Dix Park access points. Compiled using Mapzen's isochrone API. Sadly, Mapzen is no more, but a similar result could be created using Mapbox's isochrone API.

Create a Markdown formatted list of files in a directory

Setting up and using a new Jupyter environment with Anaconda


Add all the feature classes in an MXD to a geodatabase


Tangram Choropleth: Final

Tangram Choropleth: Add Scene

Tangram Choropleth: Starter Files

Playing w/ TangramJS: Raster tile labels and GeoJSON data

Loading External GeoJSON (Promises): Add data to map

Loading External GeoJSON (Promises): .when() & .done()

Loading external GeoJSON (Promises): Request data

Loading external GeoJSON (Promises): Add jQuery

Loading external GeoJSON (Promise Method): Boilerplate

Public Housing Fences, Lexington, KY

Kentucky Example Data

Points of Interest in Raleigh

jQuery Geo - Single Marker

Export Data Driven Pages from ArcGIS in bulk as JPG and/or PDF

Super-generalized outline of Georgetown, KY

jQuery Geo - Simple Map

jQuery Geo starter

Simple Map w/ external GeoJSON, Promises, and jQuery Geo

Bing Map w/ GeoJSON

MapzenJS w/ a feature layer

Pile of garbage python to clip a bunch of vector layers by a single vector layer in arcgis

KAMP2016: AGOL, Leaflet, Esri-Leaflet, and Turf



A bookmarklet to turn a browser into a notepad

Lexington, KY - 1855

Remove parcel lines from Fayette County Pictometry maps in qPublic app

The Summit at Fritz Farm Development Plan

Stamping Ground & Sadieville areas

GSCPC Basemaps w/ various layers

Loading ArcGIS Service & GeoJSON

ArcGIS Service Tiling Scales

LFUCG's live traffic cams and process to GeoJSONify the data (5/26/16)

Workflow for downloading data from ArcGIS service and preparing for work with Mapbox services

Querying ArcGIS services with shapefile-ags

Open Refine Stuff



Map Dot

Acetate Alternative?

An aRanger arrangment.

An aRanger arrangment.






A little script to extract the names of people who like the GSCPC Facebook page



Add a WMS layer to

Clip a raster to the extent of another raster using arcpy and convert it to a TIFF

Linkify your URLs!

Add a layer to QGIS from an ArcGIS REST service

Commonwealth Stadium - Alternative Configuration, 1973 map w/ slider

Using Imagery from ArcGIS REST WMTS

First D3 Building Block

Constructing the URL for files on Google Drive

500-502 E 3rd Street Before and After

Lexington Parcels - Vector Tiles w/ Mapbox Studio

Lexington Parcels - Tilemill Method

BCC Routes

Troubleshooting errors while trying to install pip

Querying a related table in a feature service using Esri-Leaflet & Esri-Leaflet-Related

Esri-Leaflet with feature service and clicky popup

Gist of runs in Lexington, 12/2013- 7/11/15

Runkeeper Runs

Run Python simple server

My first ArcGIS API for JavaScript map

Basic web project boilerplate

My first Mapsense

Map of 2015 Bluegrass 10,000 participants by hometown made using CartoDB and CartoDB.js

Bluegrass 10,000 Results - 2015

My First mapbox-gl.js map

Lexington Address Data

Oblique Leaflet map

Zoom to location on link click


Designated Emergency Snow Routes, Louisville KY in preparation for 2/16/15 snow storm

Leaflet Squirrel - Part 6 (sans data)

Leaflet Squirrel - Part 5 (sans data)

Leaflet Squirrel - Part 4 (sans data)

SSA States

SSA Capitals

Leaflet Squirrel - Part 6

Leaflet Squirrel - Part 5

Leaflet Squirrel - Step 4

Leaflet Squirrel - Step 3

Leaflet Squirrel - Part 2

Leaflet Squirrel - Step 1

Leaflet Squirrel - Step 0

A Simple Leaflet Map

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