blocks by nicerobot

Notice that the issue is with returning a pointer, not with passing a pointer. Passing the pointer is indeed faster than passing the value, as expected. This discrepancy is likely the effect of [having to escape the pointer's data to the heap](

Simple demonstration of how nil pointers are not nil interfaces

For systems that aren't respecting special characters during blackward-kill-word

JavaScript to Delete all (most) Facebook Activity as of 20201103

A Makefile for Terraform


Enumerated shellcheck codes


Can function

Example of using try in Terraform

Open URLs based on contents of a Chrome bookmarks-folder

Story: Writing Scripts with Go

Go string-permutation generator (not ideal since it doesn't nicely handle the channel and goroutine)

Python one-liner Jinja2 Template renderer

Self-extracting, encrypted tarballs using SSH public keys from GitHub. Because is awesome but it requires an installation.

Update tmuxinator

Get a list of queries and their details that hold locks over relations in a dB.

Efficiently delete duplicates rows from a table with a set of specific constraints.

JS Fiddle GitGraph for Bug Fixing Release Cycle

JS Fiddle GitGraph for Hot-fix Production Release Process

JS Fiddle GitGraph for Happy Path Feature Development Release Cycle

Docker aliases

openssl to dump site certificate

Hash tracked git files

Generic script header to handle both source or invocation

Scripts for encrypting / decrypting secrets (to prevent them from being accidentally checked into git)

Common Bash variables

Self-extracting, encrypted tarballs. Much simpler than

PostgreSQL Kubernetes Service




Options Set in Go

Optional parameters as functions (instead of constants)

Local Jenkins in Docker. From

shell/bash generate random alphanumeric string

Every time zsh is updated using brew, it breaks completions because of permissions. This fixes it for me.

Multiple accounts with Mutt E-Mail Client (gmail example)

A Docker Multi-Stage Scratch Build for Go with binary compression using UPX and including SSL certificates.

Docker images I like to keep around

NGINX HTTP config section to quantize (truncate) lat/lon to improve caching


Delete all versions of all files in s3 versioned bucket using AWS CLI and jq.

Go geos segv

A better


Making Ctrl+C termination cancel the context.Context



AWS spot instance termination signal -

TOML SUCKS! How is this TOML file better than this YAML?

gogeos Dockerfile build

How to Spark from s3 with scala. Swiped from

ECS user-data to bootstrap a task per instance

Py questions

Go questions

Docker daemon hangs opening (or writing) to fifo #911

A fun little experiment to implement a sort of futures processing in Go.


ACS SeqNN.xls golang

The versatility of Go errors

Go compose

Backup a PostgreSQL database with each schema in a separate folder.

Scala PartialFunction and Partially-applied functions

map vs flatMap

Mac OS X 100MB RAM Disk /Volumes/shm

Alias a []float64 slice as a []byte slice

Stylebot themes to correct horrible, dark-themed sites. Light themes are easier to read. If you want your site to be read, choose a light theme.


ElasticSearch 1.2.1 Bug - InvalidShapeException: Too few distinct points in geometry component at -

Golang Pastry

Example almost completely swiped from

ditaa: DIagrams Through Ascii Art

Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.

Akka Actor state (i.e. become/unbecome)

rsync the working directory to a directory under ~/.forwardgit/ then run the git command in that directory.

Whew! QGIS 2 on Mavericks built using only Homebrew packages (i.e. without KyngChaos) \o/ -- WARNING: A _major_ assumption here is that your Homebrew PREFIX is /usr/local . -- DISCLAIMER: It worked for me. YMMV

A modified version of the neo4j script that allows for starting the server within the current directory or by specifying the location with NEO4J_INSTANCE.


SQL Formatting Standard

Find folders that are _not_ git repositories. This means, the parent folder of the .git directory is not reported by find.


pip upgrade all


sqlalchemy test

d3 gist post-ready updater. For example, including a gist in tumblr blogs.

How to incorporate usage into sh

csv2tsv in python

Simple Scala DI

pkg-config for gdal to allow go-gdal to build


Hmm, personally, what's needed is for compilers to provide nice graphs of the structure of the code.

An Akka 2.1 simplified from the PiCalculation example.

Scala generics, "simplified", covariance and contravariance.

Mac OS X Dropbox-like Github repository.

| wrap

| join

An example of writing `take` in Java.


Convert line-oriented output into multi-column output.

Reset Open With menu

HTTPS Basic Authentication in Go :Gish

Scala Cheat Sheet :Gish

simple directory watching for new files.

Gish™ to do :Gish


Introducing :Gish™

Nice Robot :Gish™

Now with Disqus :Gish

Learning a language will help you know how to use the language :P

Create Google Drive webViewLink folders via JavaScript.

Simple Scala "DSL" example using easy to understand constructs.

First test :Gish

Jira WAR installation is crazy dumb

Create Mac OS X user/group

Create Tomcat group/user on Mac OS X

PostgreSQL OS X

Create Jenkins group/user on Mac OS X

There has to be a simpler solution!

Create new server and local repository

Problems with nanoTime in Java under Linux

This is how Pure should work. Please do away with javascript directives and implement them declaratively as HTML.

Convert references to image files into data URIs

Answers to Scala for the Impatient


Debug RE with perl

xupl vs json

Create ISO CD/DVD image (.iso) with Mac OS X Tiger (10.4)

Mac OS X uninstall script for packaged install of node.js from

Canonicalize a file's path i.e. a cross platform readlink

Print System Properties

Find classes in jar files.

Template project hierarchy builder for Xcode, eclipse, maven, ...

Mac OS X command-line github repository creator

JavaScript Object and String enhancements. Each depends on Object.implement.

JavaScript Object and String enhancements. Each usable standalone.

Pushing cats

Easy mvn command. Work-in-progress to improve the crappy mvn interface.


Xcode 4.3+ license template creator.


Recover WLS Password

gin tests

Clone or update a user's gists locally

Expand .pkg installers without installing

Things i add to my .gitconfig

Add a space to the Mac OS X Dock. It can be used multiple times for multiple spacers.

Variadic function and NSComparator example

The TextMate Bundles I use, a script install/update them, and a LaunchAgent plist to keep them updated (for TextMate 1.0)

Simple comparison of Java vs Node.js vs Pythons

Is a bash script sourced or executed directly?

Mac OS X / iOS UInt32 randomness

This script removes Mono from an OS X System.

Meta-text for rich plain-text.

Abbreviating PROMPT_COMMAND with ${HOME} to ~ replacement pure bash

Abbreviating PROMPT_COMMAND with ${HOME} to ~ replacement using perl

Convert Google Chrome sqlite Cookies into cookies.txt. Useful for utilities like curl.

.screenrc with "tabs" using hardstatus and caption options

Run jstatd w/o error 'access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission java.rmi.server.ignoreSubClasses write)'

time how long it takes to print Pi to 5000 places

Pin Mac OS X Dock to the bottom-left of the screen and disable "mirror" effect, making it translucence.

Install Struxt TextMate Bundle

Create a Time Machine sparse bundle