blocks by fogonwater

Zoomable Circle Packing

Sky tests

D3.force, multiple sets of multiple foci

Force Dragging I

fresh block

D3.js v4 Force Directed Graph with Labels

Delete and rework

health stuff

Stacked area label placement

Stacked Area Chart

DigitalNZ collection counts (March 2019)

DNZ stuff

Stacked area label placement #2

rotate box tests

Cheatsheet for markdown formatting.

Delete and rework

Sankey Diagram with v4



NZ Sankey Energy tests 2

NZ Sankey Energy tests (new Sankey)

NZ Sankey Energy tests

Decision tree I

Building a radial hierarchy from a flat table

Building a hierarchy from a flat table

mucking about with sankey

pack enclose tests

Drought plot with gradient II

Joyplot tests

Drought plot with gradient

Simple d3.arc() demo

chroma d3 tests IV

chroma d3 tests III

rotate box tests

wind tests 6

wind tests 6

wind tests 5

wind tests 4

wind tests 3

wind tests 2

wind tests

Joyplot tests

Area graph with gradient in v4

Countries and continents

what we buy

simple circle packing II

simple circle packing

stratify tests

chroma d3 tests II

chroma d3 tests

Earnings from wage and salary jobs by sex

forceRadial tests II

labels from csv with d3.annotation()

nest tests

Earnings calendar

forceRadial tests

slowly drifting off

Visualising electorate and party vote flows

Simple rapidly-exploring tree for exploring a space. Only tested in Python 2.x, but is likely to work in Python 3.x.

Notes on handling elevation with Geojson

Draft visualisation of NZ Government structure

Demonstration of how I start d3 projects.


Links to useful visualisation resources.

Rugby score area chart


glitch map

On the impossibility of focusing.

Data Poets' Society notes. Inaugural gathering, 18 August, 2015.

DNZ People Timelines

Recommended reading for Indie Maps + DIY Cartography workshop.

Attempts to describe the artist Rita Angus as an EDM Agent contextual entity.

D3 bar chart tests

Hexagonal cartogram of electorate results from 2011 New Zealand election.

Uncertain carto styles

Tuhonohono metadata harvester

Matplotlib map for world’s top ten most populated cities